Crapadoodle. I can't find my chimp boots. If I can't find them before Saturday, I'll just wear my dark brown square-toed tall shafted stacked heel boots. They'll work just fine. I'm not participating in a costume contest, anyway. It's just another convention where I can get my ape on.
I better stop procrastinating and get on with the shoulder seam adjustment, the fake leather collar adjustment, and the replacement of the front green panel to my female chimp coat. I also have to re-sew the brown inner sleeves because I found the perfect woven-looking material which will have a finer weave than the one I made myself.
At least I found all the makeup and glues and removers and even the toothblack enamel and those I have pooled together in one box.
The wig I have heavily sprayed with Aquanet Super Strong Hold spray is still holding its shape, and it's been a few days already since I sprayed it. I better spray it some more tonight until it's hard as a helmet, so I won't have to fuss with my hair/wig on Saturday.