Justice League Movie (Nov 17th, 2017)

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Regarding Bale v Affleck, JL kind of necessitates Batman no longer being driven by pain and loss. He's spent 20 years trying to dispel his demons, and it finally happens with the Martha moment.
I didn't see saving Superman's momma as any kind of redemptive moment.

They exploit the Wayne's deaths as if it was fresh trauma way too much, even in comics.

Best Batman is the one that's already past that, they were only the catalyst for a child, but they're not his main drive, his main drive are his principles, not filled with rage, but extremely cold, calculating, smart and determined to a crazy degree, that's what makes him scary, not hurr muh scary bat motif to spook thugs.

The bat thing is just because he's touched in the head and like to dress up in a world of superheroes.

Childhood trauma is a big, big deal in real life, affecting people in fundamental ways for their entire lives--what makes people anxious, what kinds of careers people choose, who people interact with and marry, what makes people happy. And this is particularly the case in the comic book world. And just like Spider-Man is driven always by his guilt over Uncle Ben, Batman is always driven by the death of his parents. Otherwise, all this: "his main drive are his principles, not filled with rage, but extremely cold, calculating, smart and determined to a crazy degree" just makes him sound like Golden Age Mister Terrific. The psychosis and his focus on fear. His neurotic obsession with protecting everybody. He's not just some normal guy who happens to be really smart and determined. He's ****ed in the head, big time. I think that's part of why everyone loves the guy so damn much. Who can't relate to that on some level? I think that's also part of why Snyder and others don't like Superman very much. He's just too well adjusted.

I expect it to show the plot of the whole movie and lots of comedic music pauses for jokes. Lots of em.
Good call. As long as they don't include that ****y Wonder Woman theme song, I'll consider it a success, though. I would rather track down theJosh and listen to his Nickelback CD for a few hours than ever hear that again.
I like the theme too. I hope she has a scene where she whips out a violin and plays it herself before beating Darkseid to death with it.
His costume's not terrible. I actually like the way they've sort of translated the mail design from the comics, but, for me, it looks too onesie-e, if that makes sense? I feel like it might've worked better if they gave his pants a different texture and didn't make it look like one big suit.
Aquaman's costume isn't so bad, certainly better than Flash and Cyborg.

His BvS costume was better though.

Childhood trauma is a big, big deal in real life, affecting people in fundamental ways for their entire lives--what makes people anxious, what kinds of careers people choose, who people interact with and marry, what makes people happy. And this is particularly the case in the comic book world. And just like Spider-Man is driven always by his guilt over Uncle Ben, Batman is always driven by the death of his parents. Otherwise, all this: "his main drive are his principles, not filled with rage, but extremely cold, calculating, smart and determined to a crazy degree" just makes him sound like Golden Age Mister Terrific. The psychosis and his focus on fear. His neurotic obsession with protecting everybody. He's not just some normal guy who happens to be really smart and determined. He's ****ed in the head, big time. I think that's part of why everyone loves the guy so damn much. Who can't relate to that on some level? I think that's also part of why Snyder and others don't like Superman very much. He's just too well adjusted.
I'm not trying to be dismissive, I understand the importance of childhood trauma, but the best Batman is the one that built himself upon that and grew from it, not the one who is still stuck in arrested development from eternally fresh trauma, his complexes and obsessions are more interesting when understated and played in the subconscious, that's what allows him to be cold and calculating, not when it's literal like in BvS.

And of course he's crazy, that's why he dresses as a bat and has kids as sidekicks.