I seem to walk among both generations, like some kind of day-walker vampire. Too young to be X, but too old to be a lazy millennial. That's my gift, my curse, I'm the missing link.
Attracks is a millennial expression. It derives from attack. It means to attract women while being aggressive. I just made that up hehe
bite the pillow cause the world is going in dry
Everyone is a ****ee. The universe is the only true ****er in the equation. Grab your ankles and clench...
Batfan! STOP trying to hook up with someone in here!
It aint gonna happen!
Grab your ankles and clench...
I **** around on here, but I’ll give my honest take on this whole thing. I’m 22 years old and, over the past year, I’ve lost about 100 lbs and am finally feeling confident enough to put myself out there. Tinder is a nightmare. I actually feel like I’m a pretty good looking dude, but, to my mind, I feel like it only amplifies what’s already there. If you’re already a confident dude who puts himself out there, you’re golden, but, otherwise, it only amplifies your insecurities and your social anxiety. I’ll be honest: I’ve felt the “nice guy complex” in my darkest moments, when I see some tatted up dude with his SnapBack and his lip ring, but, the truth is? I don’t think women are just attracted to *********s. I just think *********s are naturally more sure of themselves and unapologetic about who they are. They project enough confidence to go after what they want. Most of the dudes complaining about the nice guy **** are dudes like me: dudes who have, historically, been too afraid to put themselves out there and who expect **** to just fall in their lap. It’s easy to get frustrated because **** isn’t going your way, but to develop this entitlement complex that some people have is just a different sort of *********gery.
Frankly, that entitlement complex is dangerous and it breeds the Harvey Weinsteins of the world. It’s easy to vilify him as some mustache twirling rapist, but I’m betting, at some point in his life, he was probably the dejected fat kid who got shut down. He probably told himself that, “someday, I’m gonna own this town and then they’ll have to like me,” and, slowly but surely, he grew into the disgusting predator that we see on display here. Society, by and large, has a really ****ed up view of sexuality, and it seems like it almost breeds this animosity between the sexes. We place this emphasis on virginity, even. Where people are somehow lesser if they haven’t had *** yet, and we wonder why these attitudes about *** are so ****ed up. I want to laugh and say these guys develop these entitlement complexes because they’re *******s, but the truth of it is that we allow them to develop these entitlement complexes by painting *** as this sort of expectation, whereby they’re inherently flawed and inadequate if they haven’t conformed to society’s expectations.
Saddest part is that they’re not the ones who suffer. They start to view women less as individual human beings and more as trophies to be obtained. That gold star on their record indicating that they’re finally “normal,” and when they reach that degree of dehumanization, where they start viewing people as objects, rather than as individuals, it makes predatory attitudes like Weinstein’s seem commonplace, because now women aren’t people who deserve to be respected and cared for; now, they’re obstacles standing in the way of something these guys want. What’s terrifying to me is just how widespread these attitudes are becoming; that dudes who can’t get laid actually harbor this sort of resentment for women for not sleeping with them is kind of mindboggling to me, and I think it’s something that really needs to be addressed.
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