Super Freak
There are some things in this world that even Marky Mark can't fix. Michael Bay is one of 'em. Anyway, stop trolling or get out.There is literally nothing that is known of this film. Everything is just speculation at this point, so, for you to be saying that "it's going to suck" before anything other than a possible release date has been announced? That's trolling at its finest (or worst).
Actually, you're incorrect. There're two things we know for certain. The first is that WB is looking to have their Avengers. The second is that they aren't doing a cinematic build-up to it. Now if we look at that, and look at how WB has handled just about every DC property, I'd say it's better to error on the side of it sucking, than go full-blown fanboy with your Bic in the air, praying for a ****ing miracle.