An Evil Collector?
Re: Keaton Batman
You can't nullify it in the cloth parts. It always stinks. This isn't meant as a warning for you, but as a complaint. I ONLY bought my Batman because I got it on the cheap. If I can't fix the sculpt I'll sell it for even less.
Not making fun of you CB. You have an allergy, put your case, got some good advice.
I do think it ironic though. People that have to have the petro smell to invigorate their newly aquired figure feast. Mine didn't smell and I feel left out. I just don't see the problem, as the smell can be nullified. You have a particular abhorrence to it. Your solution is to sell it. Someone is going to get a bargain. It has brought out a rash of irritated parties, that are just repeating old tales of woe. Some people collect Star Wars.That these tales didn't dissuade these people to purchase the figure in the first place, which I don't think it should, but then to groan about it now, seems wrong to me.
Okay, no one told them, but the smell dissipates over time, on its own, and you can take measures to hasten that process. Later, everythings fine, but it serves as a warning, that I will not take any notice of, but thanks anyways guys.
You can't nullify it in the cloth parts. It always stinks. This isn't meant as a warning for you, but as a complaint. I ONLY bought my Batman because I got it on the cheap. If I can't fix the sculpt I'll sell it for even less.