Okay, before I begin I feel compelled to say that last night I had baked fish with mixed vegetables for dinner. And tonight I had salad with fresh picked greens from my mother-in-laws garden...
Now that I have that out of the way, here's my story:
Yesterday, I woke up feeling that it was a Double Down Day. I started work at 12:15 yesterday, so I went to KFC before the lunch rush, about 11:40. I was ordering it for the road, but went inside because I like to develop a rapport with the people who are making my Double Down.
I started my order by asking the young lady at the register for a Double Down, and she asked my if I meant a "Doublicious." I immediately said, "No! I have no use for that bun!" Then I asked if it would be to much trouble to have it made fresh and the guy behind her said: 'he just put the filets in the frier!' So I was in luck! Then she asked, "Do you want Original?" I said "I didn't think it was available in Crispy." To which she replied, "I mean Original or Grilled." At the same time the guy behind her said, "I doubt this will ever be available in Crispy." Thinking of Devilof76, I said, 'that's too bad because I know people that are waiting for it to be available in Crispy before they eat one." At that point I continued with my order as the guy went to the back of the store. As I was requesting extra sauce, he came back and said, "he said will make it crispy for you!" referring to the guy working the frier. "Really?" I said. "Awesome!" Then he said, just take our phone survey and give us all 7's! (If you never noticed, there is a number on the back of your receipt for a phone survey you can take.)
After a few minutes of pacing in excitement, I saw the frier guy pull out two giant Crispy filets, and the register girl took them and started assembling my Double Down, asking guy #1 if that was enough sauce. As she was making it she was shaking her head saying, "these are huge!" She then went to put it in a box with my wedges and she again commented on the size, and exclaimed that she was going to have to use the bigger box! As she approached the register, she again commented on the gargantuan size of my Double Down, and I said, "you guys are making my day!" Guy #1 walked up to the register again and I asked him if Crispy was just Original in the frier longer. He said that it was in fact a totally different batter and this it was dipped twice! (Not sure if he meant the batter or the oil.) I said, "wow, you did all that for me?" To which he replied, "just remember to do the survey, and all 7's!" "No worries" I said, "you got it!"
Now it came time to get in my car and open her up! It was well wrapped and ready for travel. And she wasn't kidding about the size! It was easily the biggest Double Down I had seen! Regarding the Extra Crispy recipe, let me say that I haven't tried it since I was a kid, and had a picture in my mind of the Original recipe cremated to a different texture. Boy was I wrong! I can't say that I will never order Original again, but Crispy totally blew my mind! The crispy batter actually seemed to retain more moisture than the Original recipe, just like Devilof76 said!
I could go on and on about the actual eating experience, but just let it suffice to say that for a brief period about a third of the way into the sandwich I was able to see myself throught the roof of my car. I was having an out of body experience!
It easily blew all my previous Double Down experiences out of the water... and that's saying something!!!
As amazing as the Double Down is, it truly is better in the Extra Crispy incarnation. If you don't mind making a nuisance out of yourself, ask them to make it Extra Crispy! And never
ever order one without requesting that they make it fresh!

I can't imagine them saying no to this unless it was really really busy, in which case it will probably be fresh anyway.
It's also not a bad idea to figure out when the friendly youthful staff is working. There is one manager at my local KFC that is a colossal douche, and I can't imagine him letting the Crispy thing fly. I think I will save Double Down day for special Tuesdays around 11:30!!!