You guys that smoke. How much do you need to smoke to get a good buzz going?
When I used to smoke regularly - I had bit up a bit of a tolerance to it. I was going through 1/8 every 3 days or so....After quitting for several years, I would occassionaly have one hit or two (at the most) I was wasted and a lump on a log for hours on end....that's no fun for me...especially when it takes an hour to figure out how to change the tv I don't smoke it anymore. I'm not saying I won't smoke it again...cause I probably will. But probably no more than once a year, if that.
I buy an ounce a week. I conserve for the first couple of days then burn through it towards the end of the week with girlfriend and friends.
Well first, happy 4/20 everyone!
Just wanted to throw this out. The state doesn't have to tax marijuana to make millions and millions of dollars. They just have to stop paying to enprison all the people who do it. Legalize it and save millions and millions of dollars right there. Could lower taxes if they did that. Well not in California. But you see my point.
What? Where are you getting that? Consumption went down when alcohol was made legal again? I doubt that!
I would like to know what percentage of offenders are incarcerated there solely on charge of possession.
A Z a week?.. You do love your weed sir.. LOL.. If I were to buy a Z of the weed I get that would a $400 .. What kind of weed you gettin?..
An 1/8 of my weed lasts 2-3 weeks.. Depending on how much I'm rocking out.. But I just one it it or do a bongload now and then..
sheesh, these are some crazy ammounts. i'm with Bodie on this one, an 1/8th lasts about 2 to 3 weeks for me. the days of wake and bake and being stoned all the time have been over for quite a while. it's just nice to have after work to wind down, helps me sleep, and helps with my back pain, and knee pains from my surgery.
A Z a week?.. You do love your weed sir.. LOL.. If I were to buy a Z of the weed I get that would a $400 .. What kind of weed you gettin?..
An 1/8 of my weed lasts 2-3 weeks.. Depending on how much I'm rocking out.. But I just one it it or do a bongload now and then..
I like to always have enough pot for when friends come over for a session. Usually 3 nights a week my gf and I entertain friends and we finish the night smoking. I always light up before an xbox session too. I usually get an ounce of buba kush for $320. It's quite strong. 2 joints and I'm flying for hours. My dealer has other strains but they are more expensive. He sells an ounce of purple haze for $400 and an once of quebec gold he sells for $480. But I like the taste of buba kush a lot.