Well that was cool.
I loved the camera work, Edwards did a great job to put you in the action without shacky cam and give you mastershots when needed.
Didnt liked the cinematography, too clean but well thats the case with most movies now with digital.
The tone kinda bugged me, mostly dead serious wich i loved but with stupid blockbuster moments, the dog, the stadium Cheers (seriously?) are the first i remember.
Godzilla was cooler than i expected, he had a great presence, and yeah that last blow was freaking awesome.
I liked how the action went from the humans to the kaijus, you felt their presence as a force of nature all around the puny humans.
Mutos were awesome, i just love their designs, they feel like an organic version of all the mechs Aaron Beck, Christian Pierce designed.
And they were mean, you could feel the pain when they attacked Gojira. Really great foes.
Now my biggest problem is that i only cared for Cranston, his arc was really interresting and touching.
Killing him was the stupidiest thing to do because i didnt give a rats a$$ to what could happen to Ford or his wife and kid.
And after the hawaii attack you knew that he was going to be everywhere at the right time and survives, that was so forced everytime how he popped in and was accepted to do this or that...
They should had Cranston tag along with Watanabe, or kill Watanabe (wich had nothing to do but stare his mouth open) and have Cranston take lead yeah forced but at least it would have been cool to follow him have his revenge on muto, fear for his son when he has to accept to let him go on a mission, hell let Cranston be the one who burns the mutos eggs and have a confrontation with the female instead of his boring son (imagine him screaming at the muto who caused his wifes death).
Would have been very blockbusteresque but at least cool and badass.
Will return next week