Les' backlog situation (for the uninitiated)

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Bad news on the Ma front. One of the doctors reviewing her for Guardianship, has said she doen't need a guardian, so three months of agonizing and hundreds of family dollars are wasted on one stupid doctor who saw her on a good day. Let's just say, today is not one. Anyway, if ANYONE has any advice about getting guardianships of parents, and the better ways to handle it, please let me know.
It's one damn thing after another down here.
Off to the Courthouse to see what the bastard wrote. To say I am angry is an understatement. Ma needs a guardian now more than ever.
Why can't we get help for her!!???!!!
My hair's already white. Now I guess it's time to lose it! LOL!

Anyway, be back later. Sorry for the delays. Shipouts to come.
(Insert large amounts of loud cussing and chair kicking here)
Sorry to hear this Les. It just seems to be one thing after another. I'd take Marc's advice and get a lawyer.
Sorry to hear you've had more bad news! :monkey2

If I had any idea about what to do then I'd suggest it but I haven't got a clue. But getting a lawyer sounds good to me.

Good luck! :peace

PsychoCenobite :monkey5
Sorry to hear Les, I agree, fight it with an attorney. Seems kinda bad to have a one day only evaluation, I'd think for something like this, they'd do at least like a week's worth of observation or something, folks in poor mental health are still capable of having coherent days and it doesn't seem right to make an evaluation solely on one day when there's chance you're catching that one day.
Damn man.
It's insane that one doctor's word holds more weight than a what must be an ongoing medical case. Surely there must be records of your mother's condition all over the place.
Sorry to hear the bad news Les.
I have a problem with my health ( would prefer to not mention exactly what ) and for a year I couldn't get it diagnosed but then went for a second opinion and was diagnosed in 5 minutes so it was the complete opposite for me.
Either way having problems with health is one things but having problems getting help for it is a horrible expereince. Hope everything turns out ok Les !.
Thanks guys. And hope your situation is ok Hicks.
I did indeed get a lawyer and a meeting set up with him, the judge, EVERYBODY for tomorrow afternoon at 2:30, so HERE COME DA JUDGE BABY!

I am not out of this thing yet! YOU BETCHA!
I won't let this be another 2008, that's for sure! LOL!

Anyway, off to see ma and hug her, staph infection or no, I am hugging my damn ma today! And then, back to the bench baby! I is workin' tonight! Using my newfound frustration as fuel. No better way to solve it all.

Thanks again. Sorry I posted all this, just was so mad. You shoulda seen me unloading our groceries after getting the call about this. Man, LOL! Mesa gonna taka longie vacationie somiedazie!
Bad news on the Ma front. One of the doctors reviewing her for Guardianship, has said she doen't need a guardian, so three months of agonizing and hundreds of family dollars are wasted on one stupid doctor who saw her on a good day. Let's just say, today is not one. Anyway, if ANYONE has any advice about getting guardianships of parents, and the better ways to handle it, please let me know.
It's one damn thing after another down here.
Off to the Courthouse to see what the bastard wrote. To say I am angry is an understatement. Ma needs a guardian now more than ever.
Why can't we get help for her!!???!!!
My hair's already white. Now I guess it's time to lose it! LOL!

Anyway, be back later. Sorry for the delays. Shipouts to come.
(Insert large amounts of loud cussing and chair kicking here)

The personal right to make decisions about living one's own life is taken for granted by most adults. Yet, inevitably, illness or disability may render some adults incapacitated during the course of their lives and thereby prevent them from making responsible decisions concerning their life or property. Guardianship is one means of substituting the judgment of another person for that of an incapacitated individual. Guardianship is a legal relationship created by a court when the Judge appoints someone (a Guardian) to make decisions for another person who has been proven to be incapacitated (a Ward). This document explains more about rights relating to guardianship and the process for the appointment of a guardian. This information was originally prepared as a public service by The Hon. William J. Self, II, Judge of the Probate Court of Bibb County, Georgia, and Ms. Dianne Brannen, Ombudsman for the Probate Court of Bibb County, Georgia.



Les, you probably already know this, but have a look.
Also, https://www.legalaid-ga.org/GA/index.cfm may help re: lawyer.
Unsure if guardianship as approved by law requires a medical professional... might have to look into that.
F'n HELL LES!!! Hope all goes well for you tomorrow!


And if those ^^^^ers give you any ^^^^ always remember one thing.....
