Bad news on the Ma front. One of the doctors reviewing her for Guardianship, has said she doen't need a guardian, so three months of agonizing and hundreds of family dollars are wasted on one stupid doctor who saw her on a good day. Let's just say, today is not one. Anyway, if ANYONE has any advice about getting guardianships of parents, and the better ways to handle it, please let me know.
It's one damn thing after another down here.
Off to the Courthouse to see what the bastard wrote. To say I am angry is an understatement. Ma needs a guardian now more than ever.
Why can't we get help for her!!???!!!
My hair's already white. Now I guess it's time to lose it! LOL!
Anyway, be back later. Sorry for the delays. Shipouts to come.
(Insert large amounts of loud cussing and chair kicking here)