Just a quick note about when I ever post in this, or any other, site....
I get, from time to time, either posts in threads, or PMs, even emails, asking why I post online and am not painting...right now...this minute!
Let me explain something to those that question what I do with my time...
For one, thing, my computer is just to the right of my workdesk. A chair spin to the right. It stays on for either refs or music or whatever. When I take a break from painting or whatever, even when I am sick, like I am at present, sore throat, fever, etc., I often stop painting, for a few precious minutes, and do something else. I cannot paint 24/7/365. I have to occasionally, STOP.
So, what better time to spend than to post here, and other places online.
And if I have to defend that, when I have been OFFLINE and not able to even get in solid worktime, or get on a computer hardly at all, for months, and am just now getting my sea legs back, as it were, then FOOEY ON YOUEY!
I will post, and post here, and post pics, and update and do what I can, when I can, at my discretion. I have a lot of stuff I am behind on, but whipping me to it, is not the way to get me working faster. If anything, I get slower when I get pressed and pressured. So, let a guy take a few would ya? Without criticisms? I don't criticise you (those that are offended), as I don't know what your day consists of.
And to those that do criticize, try walking in my shoes.
I have posting and painting to do. Thanks for the rant. I needed it.
Anyway, back to work, as I am sure someone out there is unhappy that I am not totally suicidal yet. LOL