Thanks Reiny! I am trying. Yeah, the room I have been in. It's not too large. Big enough for maybe 50 people to be comfortable, but not much more than that. I think the Guild is only about 30 members, and they don't all show up. I plan to put any loose figures and heads, on large cube style pedastals, behind and near me, in the back corner of the room, with a couple of easels with blown up pics posted on them, for one. And maybe a screen in the middle of the room to my right. I will be in the back corner, so anyone coming in either of the two doors, will be on the other side of the room, and latecomers and stragglers will not walk past me, or the works. I don't want them to be able to get too near any of the peices. They will be able to walk up and see them, but not touch them, if I can help it. So, I think it will work out. I'm setting the chairs up in a diagonal pattern aimed towards the corner, to max out the room. Cool part is, the local paper is covering it, and it may even get on local access TV. We'll see.
Anyway, I plan to explain who I am locally, and now, online, how I got into this, (both the good sides and downsides! LOL! It IS about learning how to put yourself out there...) and how Figure collecting is in itself an art, much less what I do with them, and how the collectors (us) affect this world of figures by our interactions with not only the companies, and how they keep upgrading figures from the old days (due in no small part to OUR demands), but how we as collectors have begun upgrading our own figures into higher forms of art.
It has to be told within an artform reference. It's really fun for me, because it's the first time ever I can defend all this to the local masses, and explain a lot of it.
I'll be showing them the Sixth Scale mags and pics in them, and the figures I submitted, so they can see stuff in print and in person, and also explain what I do for you guys, the repainting and all. I hope to show a line of Joker heads from unpainted to fully realized (Most all of them ones in progress anyway!) so they can see the paint go from zero to finished. Never done that before. The closeup pics will show the details and such.
Fun in a way, but daunting, because I don't want anyone to leave thinking these are just DOLLS or TOYS. You know. Anyway, it is really making me churn on the work, so I can have a lot done and be ready to ship out stuff after this. I'm sharing all this with the Guild also, so they can understand how it all works.
I would definately join a local art guild if you know of one. They can be really cool people, and the feedback is interesting when it't not just the knowing co-collectors like ourselves.
Anyway, back to it. Got a LOT to finish! WERKIN'!
Oh, and I've lost 22 pounds since December 25th! Werkin' out too! Feeling so much better! Hoping all this transmits to the work!