Iron Mang 3, Star Trek into Dahkness. Nerds can go **** themselves.
I don't think this is the sentiment the OP wanted to bring out when he started this thread.
Iron Mang 3, Star Trek into Dahkness. Nerds can go **** themselves.
I like that one movie that someone else disliked.
I hated that movie.
I don't think this is the sentiment the OP wanted to bring out when he started this thread.
If you get your feelings hurt that easily on teh internetz, perhaps your time is best spent doing other things. I suggest gardening or bird-watching. This is a forum of discussion. The friction caused by differing opinions is the whole reason why places like this exist.
mojo customz needs to be banned!
SATAN needs banning----------------than thrown from this planet-------
From my point of view the haters are evil.
SATAN needs banning----------------than thrown from this planet-------