Logan (2017) Speculation

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I saw the Steel Wolf set pics on FB, the headsculpt looks terrible.

Yeah, really makes me appreciate the Eleven sculpt. I will stick with my custom. Wish they would put the X-24 sculpt up for preorder and for Asmus to actually ship products who ordered directly from them more quickly.

Anyone ever pick up that custom Prof. X sculpt? Any good?
Got my Logan from simplehappylife - overall, I was plesantly surprised! I do think it's the ganghood suit and body (that's what he said, at least - and looking at others pics it looks similar) - no idea what the head is, but it's good enough for me. One of the hands snapped off in transit at the peg, so I superglued it back - I won't use any non clawed hands, so it's fine.

View attachment 370613

I also bought a set from a US seller, and I was expecting it to arrive in separate pieces, but it came assembled already in a black box with "LO1G1AN" on it. From what I can tell, it looks like a legit ganghood suit/body, great for me. I previously bought a supposed eleven head sculpt from a US seller and it turned out to be a recast, however, for it being a recast I think it looked pretty good and the sculpt was there, and I like almost as much as the eleven.
Photo with my good camera after some touch ups:

Photos of the Steel Wolf from a couple of sellers do look disappointing. Not just the orange skin but the tailoring of the black jacket.

I'm sticking with my order for the deluxe set, but have also gone for the Ganghood body and suit as I already have the Eleven sculpt. That's the build that has consistently looked the best.

The casual outfits will probably be okay, and there's going to be at least one more Eleven sculpt released. So it'll be an ongoing process. The price of the DX set is reasonable enough and unused parts can be used for other figures.
Pretty good. Teeth need help (paint). Think I like the 1st better, with full beard.
I think I know which one you're talking about. I agree with others that the one you see in the pic is an improvement over the very first version of the angry sculpt.

Full beard angry sculpt here I think

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Anybody see this before? It's the complete Logan figure set with the claws and sculpt from Eleven. Tje suit seems legit too. Wish I bought that instead because I had such a hard time making the clothes look just right on the body that the suit got all wrinkled.

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Pic uploaded on osk's facebook page. Looks pretty good. Pic on osk's page of the sculpt was too close up, so I attatched this pic instead.... they also said it will be up for pre-order soon

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