Logan (2017) Speculation

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Asmus setting up for the Shanghai Comic convention, showing Laura's height:


(She's on a flatter stand than The Mask though).
Got the wolverine body in and tried it out. Doesn't work at all for logan. Forgot how long the neck is. I will stick with the ganghood body. Also got a more screen accurate belt.
Apparently I should do some research before I drop a song - picked up a kit from simplehappylife but apparently that's not what I should have done :) He said in my message it was a ganghood suit, but not an eleven head - hopefully I don't get a total dud. I planned on getting the head painted anyways, but let's see what gets delivered...
Looks like an alright sculpt. I dont think it's as good as the first Logan head sculpt of theirs. I'll have to see more in hand pics to be sure though.

Why cant they just purchase Vimel's Logan sculpt and start selling those? I would definitely add that to my collection.

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I dig that sculpt as a whole but there is something off about the teeth, not sure if they're too big or not shiny enough, maybe both?

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unless you mean for it to go up for PO [emoji38]

anyone see this?
The sculpt with the rooted hair looks alright from a far. When you get closer to it, the hair looks kind of frizzy to me. The beard looks awesome thpugh. I would like to see Jrahmier do a Logan rooted sculpt.

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I wish they'd get the Vimal sculpt but I'm not sure if it's done yet. The Eleven sculpt isn't bad, though. I really dig the rooted hair on the sculpt though.
Yeah. His video on adding rooted hair to the sculpt makes me want to buy another headsculpt myself and try it out.
Listen, if you do and it turns out good I'll pay you for everything :rotfl
I wish they'd get the Vimal sculpt but I'm not sure if it's done yet. The Eleven sculpt isn't bad, though. I really dig the rooted hair on the sculpt though.

Listen, if you do and it turns out good I'll pay you for everything :rotfl
If you're really willing to pay everything for a rooted hair sculpt, just ask Jrahmier to do it. He does a fantastic job almost every time with rooted hair. For example: https://www.instagram.com/p/BO8ZcZPgv8E/

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This pic of Eleven's angry sculpt was released a little after the very first pic of their angry sculpt was released.
I think this version of the sculpt was a revised one. The sculpt you see in the pic looks different from the most recent version of their angry sculpt. Then should they have gone with this one? I'm really picky. I thought this was just okay too.

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