Broke and happy
Ha....I've known Jackman as Wolverine longer than two of our kids![]()
That's crazy right

Saw the film, it's about as perfect as it could be, 10/10 from me. One question though, the post credits sequence from XMEN:APOC was supposed to be for Logan I thought. Didn't everyone say it was MR. Sinister? So did the post credit scene actually have anything to do with Logan?
Don't forget that the end credits of Apoc took place in the 80's, this movie took place in 2029.
Honestly I don't blame you, i'm so discombobulated with Fox's jumping timeline that I walked into Logan asking myself how the heck we went from Weapon X to decrepit Wolverine and Professor X in a years cinematic time not really comprehending that it's been 46 years between the 2 movies plus there's the different timelines to take into consideration and blah blah blah my head hurts already.
Just do yourself a favor and forget about it lol