I'm still trying to wrap my head around it all.
Since this movie takes place in timeline B not too long after Wolverine wakes up at the end of DOFP seeing everyone back plus mutant kids but didn't they say in Logan that no new mutants have been born in 25 years.
Or am I thinking of the wrong timeline?
Here's the DiFabio X-Men movie timeline you need to follow.
- X-Men
- X-Men 2
- Logan
The Professor X was cool like you said because one came with military dog tags and the other his cerebro helmet lol.
BTW - I'm not saying it's right - I don't have much interest in Hot Toys figures anymore but I would buy an X2 Nightcrawler instantly. But your response was nothing but the "yeah, but..." I mentioned. You can rationalize all night - the stuff didn't sell well for the most part. Fans are constantly saying "everyone would buy it!" And then when pre-orders go up it's "eyelashes are wrong, toes look stupid." When pre-orders start charging it's "cancelled because cat died, etc."
We are not a reliable group of people and businesses have figured it out. Stuff that sells gets more stuff.
I forgot that DS made a Wolvie figure from The Wolverine.