Insufferable S.O.B.
Thought it was very good but not great. The performances by the main cast was solid throughout. Loved seeing the gore and violence that Wolverine should be producing. Loved x23. When she finally started talking and then went on her little squeaky spanish rant and then logan told her to shut the **** up.
Wolverine Clone was kewl though he should have been more feral looking. Charles was handled well. And I guess he's supposed to have killed off several of his own students? Shoulda put a bullet in his own head. Pretty good send off to a nice character run.
As for comparisons to Fury Road, should be Thunderdome as Max saved the children in that one and was originally supposed to die in the ending vehicle crash.

As for comparisons to Fury Road, should be Thunderdome as Max saved the children in that one and was originally supposed to die in the ending vehicle crash.