And you went to all that trouble with the photoshop
I kinda wish that family didn't get massacred. It was really cruel.
Suited the tone oof the current world both Logan and we the audience are in though. Plus it sold their killer as pure evil instantly.
Nah, they should've added a baby in a crib getting stabbed threw his head and the mother should've been pregnant too....with twins....and they've should've shown her sonogram while at dinner celebrating their happiness right before the massacre.
They got the R rating, exercise that bad boy lol.
The only issue with the clone, is that it made it really obvious how they were going to stop him.
The whole time I was just waiting for Logan or Laura to use the ademantium bullet.
Nice to see so many people falling in love with a genre film. This film didn't connect with me like it did most here but I definitely know the feeling of having a highly anticipated film deliver on all levels.
I liked Logan but didn't love it. Thought it was good but not great.
We've seen sequels change genres from previous entries, most notably with ALIENS, and while Logan worked very well as a Western/road movie it just didn't feel very connected to the Singer films at all to me. Not just from a genre standpoint but the characters themselves. It seemed like it tried so hard to be Oscar worthy and transcendent that it totally abandoned any link to where they came from which is fine if you just want to make an Oscar worthy film but then when it tried tug at my heartstrings by acting like this 17 year journey was coming to an end for these characters it just didn't ring true.
IMO this movie came two films too late because I had a lot more feels at the end of DOFP when Logan was walking through the mansion than I did for any moment in Logan. The only thing that really could have brought the feels would have been if he donned the costume. And all they had to do was either give it to X-24 or have him wear it to humor Laura. Come on, they already set up that she was a comic geek and ALL parents do childish things to appease their kids. They could have easily had him do it for her sake. Imagine him on that log, her holding his hand while he's bleeding out of the costume, and then the movie ignores his outfit and plays their final scene only in close-up. They really could have made everyone almost everyone in the audience happy without sacrificing the "gritty realism."
I thought Professor X's f-bombs were forced and out of place. The gore worked because it's what you always assumed was happening off screen in the other X-movies. But Xavier cursing like a sailor? I don't know, it was pretty jarring. As referenced earlier Cameron changed the genre from "haunted house" in ALIEN to "war movie" with ALIENS but Ripley still felt like and acted like Ripley. This Professor X didn't feel like the guy I saw in prior films.
I also think that showing characters watching Shane and then having them go visit a family who won't give up their homestead to violent agriculture tycoons was way too "on the nose." Talk about spoon feeding that particular angle.
The kids in the mountains reminded me of the Lost Boys from Hook. Especially when they were running through the forest I half expected the chubby black kid to roll up in a ball like the one did in Hook and start rolling over bad guys for comedic effect.
And then there was the guy with the bionic arm and sunglasses. I actually thought he was fantastic buthis death was very silly and "Singer-esque." Death by grass? After all the creative gore that was served up for his minions? So anti-climactic.
Those are the main reasons the film didn't connect with me the way I was really hoping it would which is too bad because it was my most anticipated cbm of the year.
Things I liked/loved about the movie:
Jackman, duh. He owns the roll and it was nice to see his send off be such a showcase of his talents.
Laura. Along with Jackman she made the movie. She was perfect.
Sunglasses guy. I'm shocked at how effective he was in the role.
Cinematography. Blows away all other cbm's other than the Nolan films.
Violence. Gruesome and shocking without ever delving into torture porn. Very effective.
Overall a good film but not without a fair amount of missed opportunities. A well done Western that unfortunately didn't wrap up the X-universe as effectively as DOFP.
I had a lot more feels at the end of DOFP when Logan was walking through the mansion than I did for any moment in Logan.
I thought Professor X's f-bombs were forced and out of place. The gore worked because it's what you always assumed was happening off screen in the other X-movies. But Xavier cursing like a sailor? I don't know, it was pretty jarring. As referenced earlier Cameron changed the genre from "haunted house" in ALIEN to "war movie" with ALIENS but Ripley still felt like and acted like Ripley. This Professor X didn't feel like the guy I saw in prior films.
For the most part this is how I felt when I first watched it, it seemed to be trying hard and felt way too disconnected to the original films that it was hard for me to really connect with these characters.
Watching it a second time that all changed though, the movie flowed much better for me, I noticed certain things I didn't notice before and I appreciated how disconnected it felt to the Singer films, and I loved how it just ends. It doesn't make my top 3 FoX-Men films yet but I can see it climbing up in my ranks with more viewings.
I saw him as closer to Mcavoy's DOFP Xavier when Logan first finds him in that film. Considering what has happened I don't think it's surprising that he would revert to that (and worse). He has gotten very very old; he is grief-ridden, guilt-ridden and frustrated by his condition and his only company now is Logan, who curses with abandon. So Xavier no longer needs or cares to present any kind of civility.
I saw him as closer to Mcavoy's DOFP Xavier when Logan first finds him in that film. Considering what has happened I don't think it's surprising that he would revert to that (and worse). He has gotten very very old; he is grief-ridden, guilt-ridden and frustrated by his condition and his only company now is Logan, who curses with abandon. So Xavier no longer needs or cares to present any kind of civility.
You didn't think the ademantium bullet was really predictable when X23 asked Logan about it?
For me Logan is having the same impact as TWS/CW had on TFA.
Logan has improved/enhanced The Wolverine for me.
being extra lethal to X-24 since he didn't have a "true" healing factor like young Logan on account of being manufactured in a lab. His healing factor was artificial hence the need for the special juice.