Films with bittersweet endings tend to resonate the most with me. Empire, Fellowship, TFA, Terminator, Cap movies. Hopefully Logan can join those ranks. A tall order but after that trailer I think it has a shot.
Films with bittersweet endings tend to resonate the most with me. Empire, Fellowship, TFA, Terminator, Cap movies. Hopefully Logan can join those ranks. A tall order but after that trailer I think it has a shot.
You forgot the Room.Films with bittersweet endings tend to resonate the most with me. Empire, Fellowship, TFA, Terminator, Cap movies. Hopefully Logan can join those ranks. A tall order but after that trailer I think it has a shot.
You forgot the Room.
Mark and Lisa 2 pack is the only way to go. Sdcc exclusive tux versions with football.
Since he apparently can no longer heal as well as he used to they could say that his classic costume offers some protection. If he puts on his suit to wage all out war against the bad guys at the end to save the girl and goes down in a blaze of glory while passing the torch I could see that having almost TFA level feels.
Eh, Jye just trolling to get a rise out of you, just ignore it or roll with it
He'll be there opening day, giving Fox the money they need for more X-Men films, that's all that really matters.
Also, I don't see why people are making a huge deal out of the lunge, yea it didn't look very good, but it also might not even be in the movie, or it might look entirely different in the movie. Wolverine action has been hit and miss in these X movies though, but it's obvious the main problem was always these films being pg13 that really held it back. X2 mansion attack was amazing, Jackman was fast, brutal, and really sold the animal side of Wolverine in that scene.
^That was 2 movies ago lol
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I felt Two Towers had more of a bittersweet ending than Fellowship.
Imagine Cap in 17 years worth of movies with Cap just in his jeans and tshirts, Stark not wearing his armor or just Banner and no Hulk.
Something I've been meaning to ask SNIKT; is your avatar that one guy who got tickled to death off screen by Bane in TDKR?
Not directly stated on film, left to audience interpretation/preference. Each viewer gets to decide if they were married then divorced/separated or never married in the first place. I kind of like that. Technically we don't even know Ben's last name.
I've always seen it as the two being okay with where there journey's take them- they're not going to get in each others way, losing Ben to the darkside probably just made that split easier. in fact, I like how they handled it in TFA quite a lot. I'd literally be puking if we got a lovey-dovey old married couple, no thanks.
and jye- I tell ******* "i know" all the time while their cab is waiting, so no loss or gain on that one.
Not directly stated on film, left to audience interpretation/preference. Each viewer gets to decide if they were married then divorced/separated or never married in the first place. I kind of like that. Technically we don't even know Ben's last name.
Agreed. There were definitely a couple of things that could have been spelled out better (it took me 2-3 viewings to realize that Leia's Resistance was basically the equivalent of Gene Hackman's group in Uncommon Valor with the Republic being the equivalent of the USA) but I loved how Han and Leia's relationship played out on screen and that their history post-ROTJ was left to viewer preference.
jye to address one of your earlier comments I didn't see Han and Leia as being divorced in TFA, just separated. I assumed Poe referring to her as General Organa was a "Holly Gennero" type thing. And I didn't see that as undermining "I love you/I know" at all. If they were an "I love you/I love you TOO" type couple then maybeD), but I was actually a bit worried that TFA would present a sanitized and domesticated Han and was very happy to see that that wasn't the case.
After watching the film I read that Kasdan really wanted TFA to show in parts just how much someone's life can change over three decades, and as someone who has experienced the full range of "fairy tale wedding" and years of marital bliss that over the course of a decade eroded into divorce for me Han becomes a relatable hero like never before. Many marriages don't survive a tragedy like the death of a child or equivalent loss and I know there were some who claimed to want absolutely no "real-life" ups and downs to ever appear in a SW movie but I don't share that opinion.
I imagine that Han and Leia really did enjoy years of happiness after ROTJ and that nothing would have pulled them apart save something as horrific as their son turning to the Dark Side and murdering umpteen friends and allies. Nevertheless I saw their interaction in TFA as indicating that they were still officially married, neither had moved on romantically, and would have probably gotten back together had the guilt of losing their son been repaired.
Lando knows he's getting some Ewok loving that night.