Blue Flame of the West/Mod
At some point this season, I'll bet that we are going to be getting a flashback showing what was happening on the freighter at the other end of the conversation when George couldn't come to the phone.
Even if some actors and crew don't live on Hawaii, flying them somewhere is very easy to do and takes almost no time. Writing the scripts, which I'm guessing has already been done during the strike and simply filed away for later, finding & securing locations, getting costuming and props, etc. the whole business of pre-production for the show, getting the whole lumbering machine up and running again is what will eat up time.
Once that is done, filming for a week for episode '9' can be done while pre-production begins for episode '10', then they'll edit episode '9' while filming '10' and pre-production for starts '11' and so forth. Getting the "factory" assembly line up and running again is what will take the most time. I'm guessing fall is the earliest we'll see eps 9-16.
Anyone want to speculate what the cliffhanger for the end of the season will be? In an effort to jive the Lost experience info with the show info, I'm going to guess that the ship peeps, likely the medical vessel the Helgus Antonius, will release the Spider Protocol Sri Lanka virus on the island, hence the gas masks, in Thomas Mittelwerk's mad attempt to solve the Valenzetti Equation, a mathmatical equation using The Numbers and the hieroglyphics on the hatch countdown clock to kill exactly 30% of a population. The Oceanic 6 will escape as this happens due to some radical action by Jack possibly with Sayid flying the helicopter as I don't think the pilot Frank or any of the "rescue" team is going to live. Also we'll see the Temple and learn a bit more about the island. Jacob will finally reveal himself, as possibly Alvar Hanso, to Locke.
But would they really remove Jack & company from the island at the end of this season with 2 more to go or save that for next season?
See, I read differently. And, if you remember the producers wanted to hold off on airing LOST until the strike was over because after episode 8 there is supposed to be a major cliffhanger (and the viewers are gonna be clamoring for more) and the producers said it would be like IF Season 2 ended after Ana Lucia and Libby were shot by Michael...(they said it wouldn't be a good idea)
Which by coincidence Episode 8, supposedly the flash back/forward is about Michael.
I thought I read somewhere that they were looking at only airing 6 episodes and not 7 and 8 because the ending of 8 would be "frustrating" to the fans if they had to wait along time to follow it. I can't remember where i read that, probably somewhere in this thread or the Writer's Strike thread.
I heard that the first 6 episodes act as a "pod" like last season's first six episodes. Then the other two were just in the middle of the rest of the season and that the only cliff hanger is that there is no cliff hanger. It just ends because there was supposed to be a new episode the next week. It would be just like if this week's episode was the last one. Not much of a cliff hanger.
I was speculating for the cliffhanger for the end of the season... episode 16 not episode 8. I'm sure something interesting will happen in episode 8 but I'm thinking about the overall design and structure of the season as it was plotted out to be 16 episodes not 8.
1: Introduction to survivors, island & discovery of the hatch.
cliffhanger: opening the hatch
2: History of the hatch, the button and Dharma.
cliffhanger: destruction of the hatch, capture of Jack & company
3: History and introduction of The Others.
cliffhanger: attempt to contact the ship, Jack flashforward, rescue.
4: Introduction of the rescue party & their true motives.
cliffhanger: ?