Sick Boy 82
Super Freak
Oh yeah, no doubt this was a killer show!! Ben going full out on those dudes in the desert was a real treat! I knew he was a badass, but not that good.
So... CRAZY theory... but do you think maybe Widmore was on the Black Rock? He has the painting hanging on his wall, he has that book somewhere (his book?) and it sounds like he has been to the island before.
I think the coolest kicker would be if he has only 4 toes on one foot.IS HE A OLD KING OF SOME SORTS!! OMG!! I'M LOSING MY MIND!!
... but I digress.
I think something similar in that Widmore is immortal, like the other natives on the island. He must have been the leader because he said it was "his island, always was". So he must have left for some reason, maybe to have a child?, because children can't be born on the island and now he can't find his way back? What would support this is when ben said that he can't kill him (because he's immortal or because there is some unknown reason why he can't die).
As for the RULES....I have no idea
Ben didn't think Alex was going to die. That was against "the rules." I think he was pretty shocked that it actually happened.
I'm kind of sour that they killed Alex and Danielle (Rousseau) so soon. They never really developed their relationship after they were re-united.
Yeah, I thought it weird that they never once had a Danielle flashback. I guess that science vessel really has no importance in the bigger story.
Who is Montand again?
I'll bet you a million bucks that we will still see a Danielle flashback when the information provided is pertinent to the story.
Hmph, no recollection of that at all. I'll have to look it up. Thanks for the info.