LUKE to LUKE: 2 Years already

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for 2 years, I think the SW line has made some impressive progress. I hope SSC can complete at least some of the lines they started (jedi masters, heros, villains, etc) before things slow down to nothing like their other 12" lines.

I think no matter how long SS is making these that no line will ever be "complete". I'd just like to see Heroes of the Rebellion and Military catch up in release numbers.
I have been very satisfied with the SW line so far. I dont live and die by the line and have had plenty of other lines to fill in the voids in the SW line, so I cant really complain.

I still cant believe I have a kick ass Jabba and throne!
it can be, at least, the jedi master line. there is really only so many jedi masters. and few of them have been made. the only way I can see SSC not completing this line would be because of the special aliens that they cant use a buck or the new HT body
it can be, at least, the jedi master line. there is really only so many jedi masters. and few of them have been made. the only way I can see SSC not completing this line would be because of the special aliens that they cant use a buck or the new HT body

Nah because even with the Order of the Jedi, you have all the various Obi Wans, more post ROTJ Lukes, all his students, all the PT Jedi, all the pre PT Jedi. That line will NEVER be complete and more characters are created all the time. If you want an idea of scale just look at the easy to do female Jedi we have yet to see.
If you are a fan of Star Wars, all of it, you have to be very happy with what SSC has put out so far. It is beyond expectations, save Vader.

If you are an OT Snob like me, you have to be a bit puzzled, three Lukes and no Lando? Or Akbar, etc or any of the other fave lesser characters but Old Ben was a very pleasant addition.

Now, that doesn't mean I am expecting a Porkins, but still, Give me a Lando and Lobot at least. :lol
Best part of it though, it made me explore alternatives, and I found the Freaks, best thing that could happen to my forum life :) :duff

I never really got into forums much before freaks. Found out about it from the comments section on one of the articles on SSC. Now I check this forum everyday for news on the line and have found some amazingly talented customizers to bounce ideas off of. SSfreaks is great. :chew:chew
Chavez...I don't intend to start a hate fest so I will not post any other messages regarding this subject after this one.

I realize that you have every right to hate Sideshow's products AND to express that opinion. But I have been curious...Don't you feel any kind of responsibility to voice your opinion without offending anyone? Opinions can be worded in such a way as to show they are not intended to provoke.

C'mon man!! if anyone is going to be offended because I say something like,Damn those are big hands!! or whatever!! then I just dont know what to tell you.I'm a serious collector however,not serious enough to let something like what was said above offend or "provoke" me.I really was not expecting all that flak after I said it.I thought people were going to just laugh or something and not really get upset but oh well.
Yup, there's just no way to cover a wide range of characters like the Star Wars universe without not completing the groups. I do like that Order of the Jedi and Scum and Villainy have been done to such an extent that you have a complete group/collection for that division, if you bought all the items anyway. I do agree Heroes needs more characters, including a film based Padme. I've said before, there are figures I want to see, but I'm with this line for the ride, what's made is made, and I like how they're turning out. And I'm so with KingDarkness, this line has been worth SSC getting just to have Jabba alone, finally to have a Jabba piece that totally captures the design perfectly, my absolute favorite item in this line.
Yea thanks to SS getting Star Wars I found this place and couldn't dream of a more awesome bunch of people! :rock
I wish I'd known about the Freaks from the announcement of Jedi Luke when I learned of Sideshow, too much wasted time :(
Nah because even with the Order of the Jedi, you have all the various Obi Wans, more post ROTJ Lukes, all his students, all the PT Jedi, all the pre PT Jedi. That line will NEVER be complete and more characters are created all the time. If you want an idea of scale just look at the easy to do female Jedi we have yet to see.

ah, I see what you mean, when SSC annouced order of the jedi, I thought it was consist of the masters only. (yoda, mace, the guys with big head, the guy with small head, etc) I didn't realize the order of the jedi includes all jedis. that, is a line you can't possibliy complete. Perhap the sith line then, if we just stick to the movies, there is only few left, dooku, empor, armored vader
Where's Pixletwin to start the Darth Vader rumor again? :lol

I heard that! :moon

I learned my lesson not to start the Vader Conga until february or July. :lol

I am pretty happy with the line. There have been long dry spells of no preorders for me. But on the whole I really like the direction SS is headed. I just wish that some of the exclusives were more exciting.

And The Josh, is it true that you got banned from RS? :google
I'm disappointed that the base body hasn't been replaced. I don't think there's any excuse for that. That's my main real disappointment.

Anything else I may not like about how the line is going is more like simply unfortunate for my tastes instead of falling under the category of massive failure. You know no company ever nails each and every likeness they go for.
I think this line has been a learning experience for Sideshow as well. There's no more finicky collector than a Star Wars collector and SS is learning that critiques can be brutal at times, just as accolades can be gushing at times.

As for the characters released so far, I think it's been a fair balance between core characters and fringe ones. It certainly does allow a for a diverse collection.

I will be honest, though. I always want the main characters fast and furious. I would hate for the line to end for some wild reason and not have some of those done.
I will be honest, though. I always want the main characters fast and furious. I would hate for the line to end for some wild reason and not have some of those done.

I think that fact shows the difference between the collectors and the manufacturer's. We go pescimistic and assume the worst which is the line dying before the "important" pieces are made, where the manufacturer is optimistic of having the line for a long time and feels no pressure to get everything in while they can. I'm actually glad they're being optimistic like that, sends a good message to us as collectors that they intend to stick with this line for a good while, makes me feel better that they'll work with LFL to keep a strong partnership going.
Yea thanks to SS getting Star Wars I found this place and couldn't dream of a more awesome bunch of people! :rock

Yeah, its brought in a lot of cool people. You always get a few folks like well nevermind but overall I've met a lot of great folks like Sean, Pix, You Mem, GB, etc.

And The Josh, is it true that you got banned from RS? :google

No, not unless I missed the memo. I just left RS cause I got tired of people over there just being total haters. If they've banned me I didn't know it. :lol
It certainly does allow a for a diverse collection.

It does! That's what I like so much though. SW is more than Vader, Luke, Vader, and more Lukes. :lol I kind of like getting some of these smaller guys in SW for some reason more than say in LOTR.
I think aside from Sideshow dragging their feet on armored characters and upgrading the Buck body, things are going alright. I've already expressed my disbelief at the lack of Vader after two years, but I'm really shocked that they haven't upgraded the Buck bodies by now. It's a dinosaur compared to what else is out there. Heck, it was outdated when Jedi Luke came out.