Mad Max:Reboot

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He's not Mel Gibson. :dunno

Well no, of course he isn't. There can be only one original Max, and we would have it no other way. Its like Christopher Reeves Superman - has any Superman since come close to Reeves??? hell no. Of course not.

Yet we continue to hope someone else will eventually do the role justice. So.... here is hoping Hardy will not turn in a cringe-worthy role.
I took a serious look at building one some 8 years ago. Back then the car alone would be at least 4 grand to ship to the states and people were asking crazy money for cars to build on.

The falcons used to be everywhere, now they are classics and still head turners on the road, they where the car to have 30yrs ago

Hardy is easily one of the best actors working today, so i have no doubt he will do a great job, it could have been a hell of a lot worse casting choice than Hardy.
Anyone who's seen Hardy in Bronson should reallise that he has the potential to be a great Max, whether he turns out to be a great Max could have more to do with the direction and the overall quality of the finished film.
Says the dude with the Batman avatar. Hyperbole much? :lol

I was a big fan of Hardy long before he was ever in a Batman film :dunno try watching him in 'the Take', 'Bronson' or Stuart : a Life Backwards' and you would see what a fantastic actor he is.

Mel's not in it, so crying about it isn't gonna change that, who would you rather see in the role?(other than Gibson that is)
Eric Bana.

Aussie and a fan of the Falcon.


Bana is actually one of my favourite actors and 'Chopper' is one of my favourite films so that could have been a good choice, but i still think Hardy will do the character justice.
Yeah, Eric Bana would be an awesome choice. I like Tom Hardy though, so I think it' be interesting to see how this develops.
Hardy can't be any worse in this as he was in TDKR as Bane. I'm sure he'll be okay in Mad Max. He probably just phoned in TDKR and didn't take it seriously. How could he anyway? And yeah, Bana would be a good choice as well. Along with the above, he's also Australian too.

I wonder if this will inspire any companies to produce some 1/6 figures of Gibson Max and maybe even a Pursuit Special?
I could definitely see it being a "Mad Max" celebration year like what they're doing with Robocop, whether the sequel/reboot whatever is successful or not. All of these companies are coming out of the woodwork and making collectibles for classic Robocop.

It would be sweet if it's the same deal with this. With 1/6 vehicles like the '89 Batmobile, 60s Batmobile and the Deloreon on the horizion, I could definitely see a Pursuit Special.
Just don't take it too far. Make it believable Those are words that separate a great movie from the crap. I'm excited to see how this turns out.