General info for RW Mad Max head:
The heads will ship first come first served in the order you paid.
Pay pal
[email protected]... this is a different Pay Pal ID than before, this is so I can try and keep these separate and not overlook anyone.
Please put exactly what you ordered and what your Sideshow forum name is, this is very important!
unpainted head:
Painted with real hair (5 only!):
$75... I will only be doing 5 of these so
a list will be made of the first five posters (Not payers but posters to this thread.) say they would like a real hair version are it. After the list of all five are done I'll take payment, If only 2 or three guys want a real hair version then the cut off date will be 5/14/08. No upgrades later if a paint head is purchased, Sorry.