Lucas is a doddering old man who probably ????s his pants at this point. He approves evrything! First, KT books, but now he also approved this new clone wars ????!
I have been a hard core star wars fan for most of my life, before the PT came out. As I got older I started getting more and more into it. Star wars has become a large part of my life, and I even like the PT. You can hold up a picture of some extra who was in the senate scene in episode 2, and most of the time I can correctly give their name, species, and homeworld. I know a few words in Mando'a and Huttese even. I know SO much about Star Wars.
When Clone Wars came along, I was at first half excited ("ok, a Star Wars cartoon movie? Well the Tartakovsky ones were pretty good, so why not? This could be good"). I saw the movie and my friends became very annoyed at my constant complaints about the movie (which most of them hadn't even seen). Then the cartoon series showed up, and I was willing to give it a second chance. But it wasn't any better. In fact, it just got worse and worse, lengthening a long list of redundancies. When season 2 came along, I saw the one episode without Ahsoka, and was willing to give season 2 a chance, as I heard there were gonna be Mandos in it. But it disappointed me with MORE redundancies. So I said, "Ok, well CW sucks. But that doesn't mean I can't still enjoy the good part of Star Wars". By "the good part" I meant books, comic books, wookieepedia articles, the 5 movies (not counting TPM) and even some of the better fan films. But NOW clone wars is ruining what was left of the good part too! Lucas cannot simply change Mandos to "a peace-loving people". That is total ????, designed to send 7 yr olds a good message or something like that. There are too many instances where this ruins even the canon of the movies! Who the hell trained the clone commandos and ARC troopers? Jango and a bunch of other Mandos (and Kal Skirata). So take away warrior Mandos and you have untrained clones. NO special ops clones whatsoever. Why would a "peace loving people" have a line of hardened warriors stretching back all the way to several thousand years before the movies (in KOTOR, you have Bendak Starkiller and Canderous Ordo)? Why would "peace loving people" have super tough armor?
Clone Wars is like a cancerous tumor, slowly engulfing Star Wars until eventually, it will die.
Darasuum Kote, vode mando'ad!
George Lucas = shebs ti eyn troan