Major changes ahead for the Star Wars Universe *SPOILERS*

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Ok, I can translate now if you want...

To all who wanted to figure this out by themselves and haven't said anything (or those who havent seen my post yet and won't until sometime in the future), check what you thought or think with what's written below

I said "Eternal glory, mandalorian brothers! George Lucas = butt with a face"

literal, precise translation

and BTW Agent008, where the 'ell is the "L" in your sig (in the alphabet at the bottom)?
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Thanks for the translation. You could have waited, I was just curious what your motivation was for it. And so I don't spoil it for anyone either
I didn't do too shabby did I? Oh sure I didn't know most of it, but at least I was right with what I thought I knew.
Where did you learn the bit of Mandalorian you know? Did you committ it to memory from what is said in the books?

There's a reason there is no L in my sig. Since you were kind enough to reveal your translation early I will return the favor and tell you why if you like. Usually I refuse to answer and let people figure it out for themselves, for those who care anyway. I guess I'm more stubborn than you. :lol
I think people are missing the idea here.
There is only ONE WAY that this retconn will make any sense. The mandos of the Clone wars series are NOW pacifists. They have incredible armor, and warrior traditions stretching back thousands of years. that's not going to change. all that's changing is how they are at the current moment in the timline. They destroyed their own world, and likely several others with their wars of conquest. They've assumed a life of peace now, after they've destroyed their own homeworld.

A menatlity of " Dear god, what have we done" more or less.

And 10 to 1 they still train and honor their warrior heritage.

PROVIDED my suspicions about the change are correct, I actually REALLY like this. It makes them a fantastic foil and counterpart to the jedi.
I don't think anyone is contesting that Lerath. That it changes Mandalorian culture during the present (clone wars era) is what upsets us because it negates the description of Mandalorian culture in the Commando series and other EU stories that deal with Mandalorian culture during the clone wars era.
Thanks for the translation. You could have waited, I was just curious what your motivation was for it. And so I don't spoil it for anyone either
I didn't do too shabby did I? Oh sure I didn't know most of it, but at least I was right with what I thought I knew.
Where did you learn the bit of Mandalorian you know? Did you committ it to memory from what is said in the books?

There's a reason there is no L in my sig. Since you were kind enough to reveal your translation early I will return the favor and tell you why if you like. Usually I refuse to answer and let people figure it out for themselves, for those who care anyway. I guess I'm more stubborn than you. :lol

you DID do pretty well... I learned what I knew from the books and wookieepedia ( Oh yeah and the Republic Commando VG song it plays on the menu screen...
so will you tell me where the 'ell the L went? (fun to say! teehee.. :lol)

I think people are missing the idea here.
There is only ONE WAY that this retconn will make any sense. The mandos of the Clone wars series are NOW pacifists. They have incredible armor, and warrior traditions stretching back thousands of years. that's not going to change. all that's changing is how they are at the current moment in the timline. They destroyed their own world, and likely several others with their wars of conquest. They've assumed a life of peace now, after they've destroyed their own homeworld.

A menatlity of " Dear god, what have we done" more or less.

And 10 to 1 they still train and honor their warrior heritage.

PROVIDED my suspicions about the change are correct, I actually REALLY like this. It makes them a fantastic foil and counterpart to the jedi.

still ruins the KT books tho...
you DID do pretty well... I learned what I knew from the books and wookieepedia ( Oh yeah and the Republic Commando VG song it plays on the menu screen...
so will you tell me where the 'ell the L went? (fun to say! teehee.. :lol)

still ruins the KT books tho...

I don't think anyone is contesting that Lerath. That it changes Mandalorian culture during the present (clone wars era) is what upsets us because it negates the description of Mandalorian culture in the Commando series and other EU stories that deal with Mandalorian culture during the clone wars era.

ah, got ya. thats the only problem with the EU. as Lucas stated before. t's his world, so it's subject to his whim. Much like killing his favortie EU character.
Yeah I know. I'm not bothered so much by the fact its changing as the fact that its screwing up a storyline that is in the middle of being told. It's stupid to just pretend it doesn't exist, at least finish it then pretend it never happened. Earlier I was upset about it making the Mandalorians less cool, but your response to that has swayed me that its not the case. They can still be incredibly bad ass and have awesome armor, they just choose not to use it, with the exception of the Fetts.

By the way, who is Lucas' favorite EU character?
Yeah I know. I'm not bothered so much by the fact its changing as the fact that its screwing up a storyline that is in the middle of being told. It's stupid to just pretend it doesn't exist, at least finish it then pretend it never happened. Earlier I was upset about it making the Mandalorians less cool, but your response to that has swayed me that its not the case. They can still be incredibly bad ass and have awesome armor, they just choose not to use it, with the exception of the Fetts.

By the way, who is Lucas' favorite EU character?

Aayla Secura. he loved her design, and her from the comics, so he put her in ATOC, and killed her onscreen in ROTS.
I don't care for what is considered canon or not. But I really think that the Republic Commando books are the second best thing to ever happen to Star Wars (the first being the Original Trilogy). What really make me angry is that the storyline will be incomplete.

And the funny thing is that the only thing I really enjoy in the clone wars cartoon are the clones due to their "heritage", even without showing it on the cartoon, it wasn't negated.
I was always hoping for the mandalorian costumes to show, maybe a Republic Commando Squad, some clones singing "Vode An" or even the "Dha Werda Verda" ritual.

Sadly, It ends prematurely.
gotta say really gutted that the series won't be concluded- really like the nulls etc and imperial commando totally reads a part one of two- thanks again lucas
I couldn't care less really. EU is stupid stuff. Not least of all because it is so flexible.
I tried to post this the other day from my iphone, but it died in the middle of typing...

how good is a man who divides a saga into "his" and "not his"? After all, I'm sure he is barely even involved in the making of the Clone Wars series, other than suggestions and his little "approved" stamp. The same with Karen Traviss's books. He just looked it over (or did he even?) and approved it, because at the time that would mean that her books would be sold, and that would give him more money. So now he has decided the Clone Wars TV series is more profitable than any books could ever be, so now he puts his "approved" stamp on the series instead, wiping out the books completely, going back on his previous approval. This is upsetting many fans, because Karen Traviss's books are, in many people's opinions (mine included), one of the most enjoyable parts of this Star Wars universe, and this part is suddenly disappearing, vanishing, being utterly demolished. In its place is a more child-oriented world that holds much less interest from older fans.

So Lucas divides into what is "his" and what isn't; but what really is "his" anyway? He did not design the Millenium Falcon. Nor did he build the set for Jabba's sail barge. He did not create the buzz, hum, and glow of the lightsaber, nor did he decide how General Grievous was to look. He did not contribute to the choreography of the lightsaber battles, nor did he even direct all the Star Wars films. All these things were done by other people; Nick Gillard for the lightsaber battles, Ben Burt for the sounds and languages of the Star Wars universe, John Williams for the awe-inspiring music, Irvin Kershner directed Empire Strikes back, Stephen Spielberg directed Return of the Jedi. The list goes on and on. George Lucas may have started with the idea originally, had the dream that started it all, but ultimately he has barely contributed anything other than a story. He considers the films "his" world. Why? Because he looked at all the things that people had done to try to please him, to make Star Wars a reality, and he put the approval stamp on it. Thousands of people have contributed to the realization of Star Wars as we see it now, and only one of those was Lucas himself. Star Wars could not be anything near what it is now if he had not been helped by so many people. So ultimately, Star Wars truly belongs to everyone. If he were to make a list of what he has contributed, it would look like this:

-come up with idea for Star Wars
-write the scripts for each movie
-direct episodes 1-4
-make a short appearance in the background of Episode 3 as a fat blue person (with costume and makeup not designed by him, of course).

THAT is his. The rest can belong to no one person. And yet people change it, put other people out of jobs, at HIS whim, so he can make even MORE money. What started out as his dream has evolved to become his source of wealth. It's no longer about a fantastic universe, all he cares about is money. And yet it still does not make sense that the Clone Wars series has to interfere with Karen Traviss's books. This man, George Lucas, is an arrogant, greedy, cruel and insincere person who does not deserve the piles off cash he roles in.
Like it or not, it ALL belongs to Lucas, from the name Star Wars, to actor likenesses. Again, like it or not, he has the right to say whatever he wants, it's his. And, TBH, the piles of cash he rolled in, he earned. As s**tty as he may seem, and you can get off the bus at any stop you see fit, he still gave us Star Wars.
Oh, and Spielberg didn't direct Jedi, Richard Marquand did.

Just wanted to put that out there.

hmm... I seem to have been misinformed... Oh well :lol

at least you guys actually seem to have read the whole thing.
Point is, I'm sure Lucas has got enough cash already, he should do what the fans want. BUT we all know that will never happen.

BTW who gets Star Wars when lucas dies in about 35 years or less? He's already 64 or so...Depending on who it is, it might go downhill from here...
hmm... I seem to have been misinformed... Oh well :lol

at least you guys actually seem to have read the whole thing.
Point is, I'm sure Lucas has got enough cash already, he should do what the fans want. BUT we all know that will never happen.

BTW who gets Star Wars when lucas dies in about 35 years or less? He's already 64 or so...Depending on who it is, it might go downhill from here...

I believe he's left it to his kids. Me mentioned something about it eons ago when asked if he was doing a 7-9 trilogy, stating, "When I'm gone, my kids can do what they want." or something to that effect.
we wouldn't have any of this without Lucas... art morphs... life morphs... live a great life and don't sweat the continuity of art, enjoy it.