She is overreacting a tad in her blog but some is justified.
(Spoilers On)
The group that's going to be featured in the Clone Wars show is called "The New Mandalorians," with Duchess Satine as their voice. They're looking for change, pacifism, and the rejoin the galaxy at large. There's a splinter group called the "Death Watch" that opposes them and is working to continue the mercenary way of life. The Death Watch are reportedly the armored Mando'ad that are featured in the trailers. There's been damage done to Mandalore itself, but there are still "patches" of livable area, including the areas that Traviss had set up (Keldabe, Enceri, Kyrimorut) that are untouched by the new show. The "True Mandalorians" were Jaster Mereel's group, continuing the tradition of having "Mandalore" as their leader. Everything's already been incorporated, and she should shut the hell up.