Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Re: The Man of Steel


Brandon Routh could still play Superman in the Superman reboot
October 19, 2010

Even though Warner Bros wants a whole new cast and crew for the Zack Snyder directed Superman reboot, there’s been a groundswell of support for the idea of keeping Brandon Routh in the role of Superman as he was in Superman Returns.
According to the British newspaper News of the World, a surge of online support for the 31-year-old actor has convinced Snyder to give Routh another chance at playing Superman, and he will be considered again for the role even though Warner Bros. asked for an all-new cast. In a recently interview, Snyder talked about the Internet campaign to get Routh cast in the new movie. He went on to say, “I know! I didn’t realize there was such a groundswell!”

I’m all for Routh coming back as Superman— he played a pretty good Clark Kent. Wasn’t his fault the rest of the movie sucked ass
Re: The Man of Steel

I think Routh deserves another shot at the role so we can see his Superman instead of being forced to imitate Christopher Reeve in a Donner tribute film.
Re: The Man of Steel

I just don't see WB hiring Routh again, i'm pretty sure they are trying to distance this film as much as possible from the snooze-fest Singer directed. General audiences would just think this was a sequel if Routh was in it.
Re: The Man of Steel

Does Snyder usually recycle his actors?

I don't know why but for some reason I can see him calling up Gerard Butler to discuss Supes and Malin Akerman to discuss Lois. :lol
Re: The Man of Steel

Please! No Butler, I like the guy but he is not Superman!

Actually, there was an actor in the last Castle episode (S03 E04) who palyed Beckett's love interest in the last scene! This guy would be the perfect Supes. I immediately saw him as The Man of Steel!


Found the guy's IMDB page. Name is Victor Webster though the pic doesn't do him justice...
Re: The Man of Steel

That Webster-dude would actually be a pretty decent choice, but I´d like Eric Dane, or really give Tom Welling the chance.
I´m really hyped on Season 10 now and as I saw him as Clark, did I had a smile on my face.
Just perfect and if we only get a few shots of him as Supes in Smallville Season 10, why not a full feature?
He got the looks, the height and the bulkiness for Supes imo.
Bring him in the game...
Re: The Man of Steel

Please! No Butler, I like the guy but he is not Superman!

Actually, there was an actor in the last Castle episode (S03 E04) who palyed Beckett's love interest in the last scene! This guy would be the perfect Supes. I immediately saw him as The Man of Steel!


Found the guy's IMDB page. Name is Victor Webster though the pic doesn't do him justice...

I was watching law abiding citizen last night, and thought about Snyder casting Butler, then I though about Kevin Smith talking about John Peters wanting to cast Sean Penn...same thing. Great actor just not right for the role.

Edit: plus him trying hard to hide his accent would get in the way
Re: The Man of Steel

Actually, with Butler, I think the accent is the biggest problem. He also may be a bit too gruff to pull off Clark Kent very well. Superman is actually a bit of a prettyboy in comparison to, say, Batman. Butler has the look and mannerism of a Bruce Wayne rather than a Clark Kent (though the accent would likely torpedo either).

Re: The Man of Steel

From SHH:

Vulture got a chance to talk to The Social Network star Armie Hammer, who may have revealed what age they are looking at for title role in the Zack Snyder-directed Superman movie:

You've made a lot of people's Superman fantasy-casting lists. Did you have your people put in a call to Zack Snyder, who's directing the reboot?
[Laughs.] You know what's funny? I did talk to my people recently about that for the first time, and I think they're going a little older with Superman. I hear they're going 35, 40.

Really? Wow, Jon Hamm will be excited.
Yeah, I don't know what that might mean.

Hammer also talks a lot about being cast as Batman in George Miller's Justice League movie that never happened.
Re: The Man of Steel

They think that because of the Christopher Reeve films.

Well even then there are multiple personas.

1.) Clark Kent (raised by the Kents, is aware of his powers, understands why he can't use them, knows where he comes from.)

2.) Clark Kent Reporter Disguise (Socially retarded, bumbling guise so people aren't aware of his true self.)

3.) Superman

If I found out I was some great individual or a chosen one I don't think I could forget who I used to be. In fact I may even deny that I was something more. So Clark Kent just abandons who he was raised as by the Kent's? I don't think so.
Re: The Man of Steel

35-40? Interesting....usually actors are chosen young so they can carry a franchise. Let's assume 40, if it takes an average of three years between films by a third film you are looking at a 46 year old actor...would be interesting considering the ages of Green Lantern and Batman's movie counterparts....
Re: The Man of Steel

Maybe it was more like Superman and the real Clark were the same personality, and Clark reporter was the second personality. He was only ever his true self when he was Superman. But we really didn't see that much of the real Clark in the Donner movies, just a young, reserved, quiet teen version.
Re: The Man of Steel

35-40? Interesting....usually actors are chosen young so they can carry a franchise. Let's assume 40, if it takes an average of three years between films by a third film you are looking at a 46 year old actor...would be interesting considering the ages of Green Lantern and Batman's movie counterparts....

Thats my concern as well.
If the creators hit paydirt on this reboot with the look and writing theyre are creating a short shelf life and limiting story options imo.
Superman in-particular is one of those iconic characters people like to think of as immortal. No one wants to see Supes aging on screen.
Unless youre setting out to do a specific story like "Kingdom Come". That was one of the cool aspects of the "Dark Knight Returns"
that wasnt really addressed, Bruce ages but Clark seems frozen in time,figuratively and literally.
Can you imagine if Chris Reeve hadnt had that tragic accident?
Doing a "Kingdom Come"movie with him wouldve been something.:monkey2
Re: The Man of Steel

I'd be happy if they went with 30-35, that way they'd be in the same age range as Bale and Reynolds (who's just starting up his franchise). I hope they cast Flash in his late twenties to young thirties, and the same for Aquaman and Wonder Woman when they get to them.