Staying with the helmet. Looks meaner IMO.
Anyone putting the Bernthal HS on this?
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One word: Economics.
When Hot Toys makes a figure, they have to produce molds (for hard parts) and patterns (for soft goods like clothes).
Engineering a figure like the Warmachine MK3 takes a lot of time (figuring out how to make it articulate the right way, look good, which parts will be plastic, metal, etc) and money (Paying the designers, and creating the molds, which is not cheap).
So they do all that, and let's say their cost per figure is now $200 (cost to license it, design it, create molds, the materials, painting, etc). They sell it for $300, and that's a $100 profit.
Now if they can find a way to REUSE those molds, like for instance a repaint, well they don't have to pay for design and mold creation all over again. So they can create a new SKU, and now their cost per figure is $100 (just the materials and painting, etc).
Obviously I'm pulling numbers out of my ass, but the point is that yes, while Iron Man is still hugely popular, ANY time they can resuse assets works in their favor. This whole "concept" line of figures is likely music to HT's ears, because it allows them to do exactly that. Break away from the restrictions of "screen accurate", re-use some existing parts with a few tweaks, and offer us "what if" figures from the MCU.
God no. I hopped off the Bernthal train after the abomination that was S1. I've come to really appreciate the fact that Stevenson was straight up the Italian Boogeyman that Frank is.
And I have a soft spot for Jane (I like to pretend his character in The Expanse is kinda like an AU Castle), since he reminds me of the more "PG-13 Frank". Truth be told, I think that people are so dazzled by the Ennis stuff, that they ignore all the other Punisher runs.![]()
Anyway, if I get this (I'd prefer a classic, Bandana-Wearing Punisher, but it's out of the question at this point, and this is a nice way to get both War Machine & Frank), I'll probably keep the helmet on, and try to kitbash a MAX/Trenchcoat Punisher.
Honestly, I hope this license allows them to make some more characters. I doubt they'll be going for Lady Sif in her JiM Uniform, but I'm hoping for something like Superior Spider-Man.
God no. I hopped off the Bernthal train after the abomination that was S1. I've come to really appreciate the fact that Stevenson was straight up the Italian Boogeyman that Frank is.
And I have a soft spot for Jane (I like to pretend his character in The Expanse is kinda like an AU Castle), since he reminds me of the more "PG-13 Frank". Truth be told, I think that people are so dazzled by the Ennis stuff, that they ignore all the other Punisher runs.![]()
Anyway, if I get this (I'd prefer a classic, Bandana-Wearing Punisher, but it's out of the question at this point, and this is a nice way to get both War Machine & Frank), I'll probably keep the helmet on, and try to kitbash a MAX/Trenchcoat Punisher.
Honestly, I hope this license allows them to make some more characters. I doubt they'll be going for Lady Sif in her JiM Uniform, but I'm hoping for something like Superior Spider-Man.
I think V2 in its entirety is pretty underrated. Baron, Dixon, DNA; all of them did a great job. Same goes for War Zone and War Journal of that period.My favorite Punisher run is Mike Baron's when the Punisher ongoing launched. Steven Grants limited series with Zeck is My favorite overall and Chuck Dixon wrote some great storylines too. Ennis was good at reviving Frank.
I thought bernthal was great in Daredevil. But I didn’t care too much for the first season of punisher minus a few episodes that were great it was kinda blah.. seen reviews on season 2 and it seems kinda blah.. still thought Ray Stevenson looked like frank ripped from the comics and enjoyed Dominic west as an actual JIGSAW villain. Thomas Jane I thought had the better story telling movie. And his fight with the Russian was pretty epic.
The Thomas Jane one was blah...not terrible, but not good either.
Haven't seen the Ray Stevenson one, but that one got shredded by critics and rightfully so, cause the few clips I have seen of that movie look downright horrendous.
And Bernthal's version is probably the weakest one in terms of physical portrayal. I think he's a good actor, but he's no Punisher. He simply lacks the size and build for me to believe he'd be THE Punisher. Also it doesn't help that the writing for the show is plain bad. Season 1 was a chore to get through. I kept hoping it would pick up or get better, but it never did. The whole subplot with the looney vet was completely unnecessary and just made an already boring show even more of a drag.
Because of my so-so experience with Season 1 I was reluctant to try out Season 2, but I decided to give the first episode a try and so far it doesn't seem like an improvement, just more of the same bad/boring writing. I'm thinking of PERHAPS giving it one more episode, if not I'm done with it altogether cause it's a waste of time anyways since the show is pretty much canceled anyways.![]()
Punisher in DD season 2 was awesome and I felt like they got the character down pretty well. Then season 1 happened, and I did not enjoy it at all cause Punisher went backwards and became some half assed Punisher. Then season 2 he got even worse. Can't even call him Punisher. Punisher War Zone was awesome for a Punisher fan cause he actually acted like the Punisher, killed criminals without mercy. Thomas Jane wasn't too bad but I wish the movie itself could have been better. And I actually really enjoy the Dolph Lundren Punisher, except he doesn't wear the symbolic skull which was my main gripe.
Punisher War Zone, although not a great movie, is the closest live action Punisher we've got to the comic As menthoned Berenthal lacks the size for me to see him as the best Punisher.
I have yet to watch the Punisher seasons, but looking back I really enjoyed Lundgren's. I just got the bluray of thaat this Christmas.
Was that the first theatrically released Marvel movie?
I think V2 in its entirety is pretty underrated. Baron, Dixon, DNA; all of them did a great job. Same goes for War Zone and War Journal of that period.
As for Ennis, I guess I started having problems with it since that's all you hear people talk about."Just read MAX bro; that's enough" is all you get. And I guess it's left a bad taste in my mouth due to how much it influenced Frank as a character. Back in the day, you had him team-up with other anti-heroes, get coerced into fighting alongside villains, wear cool costumes, all that jazz. It felt like a Carpenter film. It had a Tom Clancy/80s Action Flick/MGS (yeah I know Punisher came a long way before it, but it's an inevitable comparison considering where Kojima got his influences from) feel. Now he's just got a T-Shirt, no character past "gruff serial killer" and you'd be hard pressed to find any Punisher story that isn't "Frank looks gruff and kills some gangbangers in New York", with some crazy **** like Frankencastle or "Frank fights NeoNazi Millitias" thrown in.
The series has kinda lost its... "charm", I think. He's stopped being a character, and more like a series of checked boxes. It's why I really liked Edmondson's run (same goes for Black Widow), but those lefties had to go and get him fired. MAX was great if you were looking for something akin to The Wire or The Shield set in the MU. But Punisher used to also be kinda like 24, you get my point? I guess MAX is more realistic. You lose your wife and kids and start killing people, you'll turn into an emotionless boogeyman. But in a comic, it gets sorta boring after a while.
I get that they tried to ground it all, hence the return to the "streets", but IMO, if they wanted to do that, there were better avenues. Like Frank travelling aroun the globe trying to take down Cartels, Child Trafficking Rings, whatever. There are no borders for the Punisher. But as it stands, he killed a **** distributor and took a job for Fury admist killing gangbangers, and I feel the formula got a bit stale. I also never really liked Baracuda either. Dunno, as time extends,I find myself liking the Ennis stuff less and less. Maybe it's a knee jerk reaction because I've really come to dislike his work. The Boys, things like Wormwood, Hitman. He's like Ellis, without being as good or creative, but much more annoying.
I guess I miss the days when you'd have im team up with Nick Fury and Black Widow in order to disarm some WMD in some made-up Middle Eastern country. And that doesn't go just for Frank. I remember when Fury was a cigar-chomping American Bond, and not a neutered Sam Jackson. I remember when Black Widow was an international assassin with a character beyond "muh red in muh ledger". Look at how folks like Arthur Morgan, or Big Boss are written, and you'll get my point. These days, 3-Dimensional characters are a rarity. They're all mostly just a bunch of checked boxes, and written through guidelines.
Stevenson was a brutal warmachine, so I generally enjoyed the flick. It even had a nod to Frank trying to become a priest, like in the books. The Netflix version got bogged down with all the millitary conspiracies, and Bernthal just didn't manage to deliver a performance that captures either classic or Post-Ennis Frank, IMO. He's just "there", as some weak version of the Punisher who's like a less accomplished Travis Bickle or something.
The Jane flick has its charm I think. It's a good enough 2000s superhero flick. Stevenson's movie wasn't that great, but he embodied the Punisher.
As for Bernthal, I have the same problems. Too short, too thin. This pic is just...
I look at it and I don't see the Punisher. I see Hockey Pads from TDK... S1 didn't have any Punishing. It had no 80s Charm. It didn't even do the Tom Clancy stuff properly. It was just a big Netflix checkbox. From what I've seen, S2 is even more of that, so I have no desire to see it. I'm honestly glad the Netflix Marvel shows are done. Maybe we'll get a more classic Punisher in the Disney+ service:
Ludgren's film was a straight-up 80s revenge flick, so I like it for what it is.
Pretty much, yeah.
I think V2 in its entirety is pretty underrated. Baron, Dixon, DNA; all of them did a great job. Same goes for War Zone and War Journal of that period.
As for Ennis, I guess I started having problems with it since that's all you hear people talk about."Just read MAX bro; that's enough" is all you get. And I guess it's left a bad taste in my mouth due to how much it influenced Frank as a character. Back in the day, you had him team-up with other anti-heroes, get coerced into fighting alongside villains, wear cool costumes, all that jazz. It felt like a Carpenter film. It had a Tom Clancy/80s Action Flick/MGS (yeah I know Punisher came a long way before it, but it's an inevitable comparison considering where Kojima got his influences from) feel. Now he's just got a T-Shirt, no character past "gruff serial killer" and you'd be hard pressed to find any Punisher story that isn't "Frank looks gruff and kills some gangbangers in New York", with some crazy **** like Frankencastle or "Frank fights NeoNazi Millitias" thrown in.
The series has kinda lost its... "charm", I think. He's stopped being a character, and more like a series of checked boxes. It's why I really liked Edmondson's run (same goes for Black Widow), but those lefties had to go and get him fired. MAX was great if you were looking for something akin to The Wire or The Shield set in the MU. But Punisher used to also be kinda like 24, you get my point? I guess MAX is more realistic. You lose your wife and kids and start killing people, you'll turn into an emotionless boogeyman. But in a comic, it gets sorta boring after a while.
I get that they tried to ground it all, hence the return to the "streets", but IMO, if they wanted to do that, there were better avenues. Like Frank travelling aroun the globe trying to take down Cartels, Child Trafficking Rings, whatever. There are no borders for the Punisher. But as it stands, he killed a **** distributor and took a job for Fury admist killing gangbangers, and I feel the formula got a bit stale. I also never really liked Baracuda either. Dunno, as time extends,I find myself liking the Ennis stuff less and less. Maybe it's a knee jerk reaction because I've really come to dislike his work. The Boys, things like Wormwood, Hitman. He's like Ellis, without being as good or creative, but much more annoying.
I guess I miss the days when you'd have im team up with Nick Fury and Black Widow in order to disarm some WMD in some made-up Middle Eastern country. And that doesn't go just for Frank. I remember when Fury was a cigar-chomping American Bond, and not a neutered Sam Jackson. I remember when Black Widow was an international assassin with a character beyond "muh red in muh ledger". Look at how folks like Arthur Morgan, or Big Boss are written, and you'll get my point. These days, 3-Dimensional characters are a rarity. They're all mostly just a bunch of checked boxes, and written through guidelines.
Stevenson was a brutal warmachine, so I generally enjoyed the flick. It even had a nod to Frank trying to become a priest, like in the books. The Netflix version got bogged down with all the millitary conspiracies, and Bernthal just didn't manage to deliver a performance that captures either classic or Post-Ennis Frank, IMO. He's just "there", as some weak version of the Punisher who's like a less accomplished Travis Bickle or something.
The Jane flick has its charm I think. It's a good enough 2000s superhero flick. Stevenson's movie wasn't that great, but he embodied the Punisher.
As for Bernthal, I have the same problems. Too short, too thin. This pic is just...
I look at it and I don't see the Punisher. I see Hockey Pads from TDK... S1 didn't have any Punishing. It had no 80s Charm. It didn't even do the Tom Clancy stuff properly. It was just a big Netflix checkbox. From what I've seen, S2 is even more of that, so I have no desire to see it. I'm honestly glad the Netflix Marvel shows are done. Maybe we'll get a more classic Punisher in the Disney+ service:
Ludgren's film was a straight-up 80s revenge flick, so I like it for what it is.
Pretty much, yeah.