Saw this again last night and I've revised my opinion.
It wasn't good - it's great! Really reminds me of the earleir Marvel movies - stand-alone stories that weren't so caught up in being the latest "Avengers" episode.
I'd put it right behind "Winter Solider" for best Marvel movies for me. I hope that Marvel asks Coogler and his team to do another one and more importantly, I hope Feige & co don't insist on forcing him to include a lot of other MCU characters in it to make it into another "Avengers Jr." movie - let these characters inhabit their own story. It's still unfortunate that after the great "Winter Soldier" that we didn't get another solid Captain America movie that continued that story - instead we got Avengers 3 er, Civil War.
I shudder at the thought that Black Panther is just going to be another bit player in the next overcrowded Avengers movie. He deserves another stand-alone story - Wakanda's open-door policy can't go smoothly - it could be really cool to see how that plays out without the Avengers Variety Hour involved.
But thor 3 is the best!
Saw this again last night and I've revised my opinion.
It wasn't good - it's great! Really reminds me of the earleir Marvel movies - stand-alone stories that weren't so caught up in being the latest "Avengers" episode.
I'd put it right behind "Winter Solider" for best Marvel movies for me. I hope that Marvel asks Coogler and his team to do another one and more importantly, I hope Feige & co don't insist on forcing him to include a lot of other MCU characters in it to make it into another "Avengers Jr." movie - let these characters inhabit their own story. It's still unfortunate that after the great "Winter Soldier" that we didn't get another solid Captain America movie that continued that story - instead we got Avengers 3 er, Civil War.
I shudder at the thought that Black Panther is just going to be another bit player in the next overcrowded Avengers movie. He deserves another stand-alone story - Wakanda's open-door policy can't go smoothly - it could be really cool to see how that plays out without the Avengers Variety Hour involved.
Nah that movie is nothing more than riding the nostalgia 80s wave. When people say marvel is for kids and can’t be taken seriously they’ll refer to that movie.
so thor 2 is better?
is that what you guys mean? thor 2 wih the elves?
Captain America: The First Avenger is a very frustrating movie. The first act is superb, the second act is crap and the third act is non-existent.
Its a movie that starts out a 10/10 and by the second hour is down to a 7/10.
TWS is what TFA should have been - a Cap film that never fails to engage you and continually exceeds your expectations. Its a shame CW is technically the follow-up to that glorious Cap film.
Where is he?Jye needs to come back.
I wanna know what he thinks of this
Where is he?
IKR? That's like the complete opposite of sayin' it's good.
Not that any of those movies are bad, no. But they're not great or interesting.
So it just sounds like this one is yet another ok blockbuster that you've seen 10000 times.
he is Stuck in Dagobah waiting for Khev to show up and begin his training
Buried with the last jedi thread. if the mods choose to awaken him again then so be it but for now he must rest. He must heal. The star wars battle is lost.
jye's around, he's just not coming into a lot of threads.