Marvel's The Black Panther

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I definitely think it's as good as CW. But CW felt like a mess to me. It's gotten better with repeated viewings, but I definitely left the theater disappointed. Doctor strange was forgettable for sure. But Ragnarok was pretty great, even if it poured on the humor thicker than I would've liked. But it was a really enjoyable film. I'd rank it higher than BP.

As far as suspense? I don't think there was really much of that. Maybe if T'Challa was DOA for longer and we saw more horrible things under Killmonger in the meantime (which is why I still feel like the Killmonger storyline deserved it's own movie apart from the origin story).
If I was comparing those films to each other, I would probably put Ragnarok first, Civil War and Black Panther tied for second, and Doc Strange last in that list. But I really enjoyed Dr. Strange, so it's just a matter of degree here.

Ragnarok was the most fun, and was a compelling story, for me, beyond those other films. Civil War had some really great moments, Spidey's intro was fantastic, it was great seeing Giant Man. The fighting scenes in that one are hard to beat. But it loses points because the climax didn't make any sense and Zemo was more or less wasted (I'm holding out hope that he can be redeemed in another film!). Black Panther was solid across the board, with great actors, great fights, and possibly the best villain so far in the MCU. But the terrible, inexcusable CG took me out of the movie, and colors my overall perceptions. Plus, there are logical inconsistencies that bug me (every film has those, but some of the ones in this movie stick in my craw). Doc Strange was also a solid movie, with an interesting character. But he suffers from Marvel's approach, where every other character seems to be a genius (Stark, Banner, Pym, Parker, Arnim Zola, T'Challa's sister, Howard Stark, Selvig, Rocket Raccoon). In that context, what's one more genius who happens to learn magic powers?
Wow, watching the first 30 minutes of Thor Ragnarok on blu-ray right now (actually I paused it to do some work and now here I am, lol) and it's just so much more fun than BP. That opening action sequence is awesome, the TDW play was hilarious, and Hela's intro was off the charts. I forgot that BP's plot is almost the same as Ragnarok's; shunned relative comes back to their homeland to ascend to the throne and expels the main hero of royal blood. It's just so much better, with a tighter narrative, better action (by FAR) and a final battle with real weight and consequences.

Randomly enough I didn't find the visuals of the Norway scene distracting at home so I wonder if the IMAX 3D was actually doing it a disservice. Anyway Ragnarok tells basically the same story as BP minus the political preachiness and with some fun interconnectedness (Dr. Strange, Hulk, etc.) with the rest of the MCU as a bonus. Ragnarok isn't my favorite MCU film but it's up there and watching it so soon after BP makes me easily say "yeah, that's how you do it." Can't wait to finish it.
Wow, watching the first 30 minutes of Thor Ragnarok on blu-ray right now (actually I paused it to do some work and now here I am, lol) and it's just so much more fun than BP. That opening action sequence is awesome, the TDW play was hilarious, and Hela's intro was off the charts. I forgot that BP's plot is almost the same as Ragnarok's; shunned relative comes back to their homeland to ascend to the throne and expels the main hero of royal blood. It's just so much better, with a tighter narrative, better action (by FAR) and a final battle with real weight and consequences.

Randomly enough I didn't find the visuals of the Norway scene distracting at home so I wonder if the IMAX 3D was actually doing it a disservice. Anyway Ragnarok tells basically the same story as BP minus the political preachiness and with some fun interconnectedness (Dr. Strange, Hulk, etc.) with the rest of the MCU as a bonus. Ragnarok isn't my favorite MCU film but it's up there and watching it so soon after BP makes me easily say "yeah, that's how you do it." Can't wait to finish it.

Khev you will always be my favorite conservative voice on here your movie and industry analysis consistently hit the nail on the head at saying things that just make sense to me.

JAWS comes a close 2nd lol
Khev you will always be my favorite conservative voice on here your movie and industry analysis consistently hit the nail on the head at saying things that just make sense to me.

JAWS comes a close 2nd lol

:rock :duff

Watching Ragnarok again is restoring the previous excitement I had for IW *before* I watched BP. :yess:

EDIT: And to be clear when I refer to the political preachiness of BP I mean the "bridges not walls" left wing messaging. I have no problem with the "progressive" nature of the all black cast and am actually very happy for all the black fans who've been waiting so long for a film such as this.
Wow, watching the first 30 minutes of Thor Ragnarok on blu-ray right now (actually I paused it to do some work and now here I am, lol) and it's just so much more fun than BP. That opening action sequence is awesome, the TDW play was hilarious, and Hela's intro was off the charts. I forgot that BP's plot is almost the same as Ragnarok's; shunned relative comes back to their homeland to ascend to the throne and expels the main hero of royal blood. It's just so much better, with a tighter narrative, better action (by FAR) and a final battle with real weight and consequences.

Randomly enough I didn't find the visuals of the Norway scene distracting at home so I wonder if the IMAX 3D was actually doing it a disservice. Anyway Ragnarok tells basically the same story as BP minus the political preachiness and with some fun interconnectedness (Dr. Strange, Hulk, etc.) with the rest of the MCU as a bonus. Ragnarok isn't my favorite MCU film but it's up there and watching it so soon after BP makes me easily say "yeah, that's how you do it." Can't wait to finish it.

Ha! Same boat here lol. That opening sequence was amazing. Set the tone for the whole damn movie. Saw black panther 2x now. Great movie. But i was definitely more entertained with Ragnarok.

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Which of the two movies is so much better in this regard?

I haven't read through all of the posts here since I last visited this thread, but having just re-watched the whole of Ragnarok on Blu-ray, I've definitely warmed up to that film considerably - but I still find BP the far superior movie.
Just wait until Sony's "hard PG-13" Venom comes out. REVOLUTIONIZING FILM. That movie will have the most concise narrative we've ever seen. The whole story will be done with 5 minutes in. And the action will be so subtle, you won't even notice that it happened. The rest of the film, which will be Hardy moping around like a sad bastard, will provide so much rich context to it all.
Just wait until Sony's "hard PG-13" Venom comes out. REVOLUTIONIZING FILM. That movie will have the most concise narrative we've ever seen. The whole story will be done with 5 minutes in. And the action will be so subtle, you won't even notice that it happened. The rest of the film, which will be Hardy moping around like a sad bastard, will provide so much rich context to it all.

Lol why you pickin' on Venom?

Is this your way of saying you're part of the anti-serious CBM/anti-meaningful CBM group?
Remember when Killmonger pretended to slice that woman's neck and she went along with the ruse by falling down despite the complete absence of a single mark or drop of blood. That's some "hard-G" meaningful violence, yo.

People against mature, serious takes on these characters are naturally annoyed at the prospect of films like Fleischer's Venom & Goddard's X-Force and still to this day are almost in a weird way upset with Mangold for critiquing the mostly soulless MCU via the Academy Award Nominated Logan.

Now that Coogler makes a truly inspired and heartfelt character piece IN the MCU, what do they do? They tear it apart.

I think to this day, despite ceiling-breakers like TDK & Logan, there are people who still just want these movies to be fun and lighthearted (and mostly forgettable).
People against mature, serious takes on these characters are naturally annoyed at the prospect of films like Fleischer's Venom & Goddard's X-Force and still to this day are almost in a weird way upset with Mangold for critiquing the mostly soulless MCU via the Academy Award Nominated Logan.

Now that Coogler makes a truly inspired and heartfelt character piece IN the MCU, what do they do? They tear it apart.

I think to this day, despite ceiling-breakers like TDK & Logan, there are people who still just want these movies to be fun and lighthearted (and mostly forgettable).

I for one disagree. I'm not tearing it apart at all, in fact, I think it would have been better served as two movies: One, an origin Wakanda introduction, the other the Killmonger story. It tried to do too much with it's limited runtime.

Thor works better for me not because it's fun, or lighthearted (which it is) or SIMPLE (which it is) but because it feels more cohesive and tighter. Everything has a purpose. There is no fluff. Black Panther feels far too vast and introduces too much to do it all justice.

That's not to say Thor doesn't have it's faults. I for one don't like the distinct tonal shift between it and the other Thor films, or the fact that it threw the twist at the end of TDW (Loki impersonating Odin) out the window without much thought, as if it was an annoyance and not even a plot point. But overall, it's a better constructed movie at face value...despite not being inspired and heartfelt.
I enjoy movies of all genres and tones. A good comedy is a good comedy and can trump a more "serious" flick if the serious flick drops the ball in execution. I'm not saying that BP dropped the ball on all levels because it didn't but it definitely faltered enough that I can easily say that Ragnarok is the superior piece of entertainment.
I enjoy movies of all genres and tones. A good comedy is a good comedy and can trump a more "serious" flick if the serious flick drops the ball in execution. I'm not saying that BP dropped the ball on all levels because it didn't but it definitely faltered enough that I can easily say that Ragnarok is the superior piece of entertainment.

You can’t be serious.