Mass Effect 2

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Just did the Miranda loyalty mission. Damn team died on me. I'm stingy with the medi-gel and heavy I found a spot where I had good cover, they couldn't sneak up on me and took care of them all myself. If it wasn't for Reave, I would never have been able to do it.

My favorite Biotic.....I have been experimenting with Singularity, but Reave is still my favorite
I hardly ever use the heavy weapons--I just stuck with the nuke gun and used that at the big battles. Really helped in some places.

I tend to just stick with the Collector laser thing - should switch it up more. I have 1 more heavy weapon to use to get the achievement - trouble is I don't know which one I need. I know I've used them all at one point. May do an easy game after I finish insane to get the rest of those achievements.

My favorite Biotic.....I have been experimenting with Singularity, but Reave is still my favorite

I love Reave. Would have never tried it if you hadn't mentioned it. Has saved me so many times when I was down on ammo and my team was dead. I just took cover and kept hitting them with Reave.

Doing the mission to recruit Thane now....damn those mechs. They are relentless. :lol Love the adrenaline rush - single head shot for the win! :rock :rock
Did the loyalty mission for Grunt - pretty easy - as long as you keep running your ass off. :lol
Went back and played the collector ship from my previous play through and MUCH thanks to Jen's advice I was able to get the No One Left Behind achievement without having Jack's loyalty!! Thanks Jen!!! :rock :duff

Now all that's left is to finish off Insanity for 51/51!!
With a decent power at your disposal, Grunt's loyalty mission is pretty easy. Fending off armored varren at the beginning is the hardest part.

I'm doing the final Insanity battle right now, and it's giving me a tough time. Almost beat 'em, but then... death.
Did Mordin's loyalty mission. Not too bad...though not a cakewalk either.

The Illusive Man wants to speak to me again - :cuss Collector ship is next. :monkey2
Went back and played the collector ship from my previous play through and MUCH thanks to Jen's advice I was able to get the No One Left Behind achievement without having Jack's loyalty!! Thanks Jen!!! :rock :duff

Now all that's left is to finish off Insanity for 51/51!!

Congrats Israel!!:rock :rock Glad it worked out for ya. :D I think this will be the first game where I'm going to get all the achievements. :rock

With a decent power at your disposal, Grunt's loyalty mission is pretty easy. Fending off armored varren at the beginning is the hardest part.

I'm doing the final Insanity battle right now, and it's giving me a tough time. Almost beat 'em, but then... death.

The varren were the hardest part - I just had to keep running/throwing reave/firing with inferno.....just really had to stay on the move...but aside from that it really wasn't bad. :lol

Good luck with your final battle. I'm about to head to the Collector ship...though I REALLY don't want to.
Damn..can't decide who to take with me for the Collector Ship mission - too many choices. :monkey2 Doing a save before we go so if I choose wrong I can redo and select again. Gonna start with Mordin and Miranda I think. *fingers crossed*
YES!!!!!!! I survived the Collector Ship!!!! :rock :rock :rock

That mission was a beeeotch from hell. :eek: I feel like I can handle just about anything now. :lol
Just got the Insanity achievement. Recruited everyone and did all the loyality missions. Everyone survived. :D :rock :rock :rock
Just got the Insanity achievement. Recruited everyone and did all the loyality missions. Everyone survived. :D :rock :rock :rock

Congrats Jen I just got mine myself.

Congrats Jen!! :rock

I had to walk away from this for a bit, that damn Collector ship was pissing me off!!! :censored :banghead :D

Dont give up its a _____ but you just have to keep at it.
Indeed it is, but I got thru it this morning. Needless to say, I will NEVER play this on Insane again! :monkey4 :lol

You are a soldier too, aren't you? If so, max out your Adrenaline and Inferno ammo. Easiest way to take out collectors is to keep doing adrenaline over and over and blasting them with the assault rifle (fully upgraded) and inferno ammo. Take cover while your adrenaline recharges and then do it again. You can take down those collectors quick. They were really a breeze after I started doing that.

The husks are a different matter. :lol I think the IFF was the hardest mission of all. Just had to keep running.

Got the rest of the achievements today. :rock
You are a soldier too, aren't you? If so, max out your Adrenaline and Inferno ammo. Easiest way to take out collectors is to keep doing adrenaline over and over and blasting them with the assault rifle (fully upgraded) and inferno ammo. Take cover while your adrenaline recharges and then do it again. You can take down those collectors quick. They were really a breeze after I started doing that.

The husks are a different matter. :lol I think the IFF was the hardest mission of all. Just had to keep running.

Got the rest of the achievements today. :rock
I started using Adrenaline religiously today and its a HUGE help. All I need now is to get the IFF and do Jack's Loyalty mission, should be done with insane by tomorrow I hope.