Masters of the Universe Classics

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Mo-Lar shouldn't even exist anyway. that will be the one that sells out the quickest because it's just the Con leftovers. if i were to lose out on orko because i was trying to order that abomination, heads would roll.

I'm going to try and get Orko too. I thought I could live with just the color change one a friend is picking up for me, but I think the regular one's paint looks way better.
i'm pretty sure i won't be able to get any figures anyway. i've been having bad luck with the matty site lately. i just hope they made a lot of orkos. he should have been a regular monthly release anyway. he's a main character. just cuz adam is a he-man retool doesn't mean this should be a bonus figure.
i'll try and get extras but i can't promise anything. i really don't want to order 2 different products cuz i'm scared one will sell out quick and i'll have to take it out of my cart and by the time i can do that the other one will sell out too. i may just grap a few orkos for people here.

Who's your buddy Craw? I might need one if I get ____ed.
i'll try and get extras but i can't promise anything. i really don't want to order 2 different products cuz i'm scared one will sell out quick and i'll have to take it out of my cart and by the time i can do that the other one will sell out too. i may just grap a few orkos for people here.

I was just foolin but if you grab extra Orko's I'll take at least one. Gonna take my laptop into work and use their WiFi to try and order it as well.
Some pics.


Who's your buddy Craw? I might need one if I get ____ed.
well right now it will be memnoch first and you second. i don't know how many i'm gonna order. i'm scared if i order 10 they might have upped the production too high and i'll be stuck with 10 orkos for a long time. these aren't cheap at $25 apiece. i got stuck with a bunch of tri-klops back when he was released cuz they upped the numbers so high that he took days to sell out. it took awhile to get rid of all my extras. i know that is probably unlikely this time around but you never know.
well right now it will be memnoch first and you second. i don't know how many i'm gonna order. i'm scared if i order 10 they might have upped the production too high and i'll be stuck with 10 orkos for a long time. these aren't cheap at $25 apiece. i got stuck with a bunch of tri-klops back when he was released cuz they upped the numbers so high that he took days to sell out. it took awhile to get rid of all my extras. i know that is probably unlikely this time around but you never know.

Pfft, Deak asked before the Devil.

Yeah, I did it in the hotel. :rotfl

Any extras UT? Mmm...gummi Orko. :drool
I thought i would post this.. I was at the display case taking pics when toyguru came up and asked one of the girls working there, on who was going to display the new figures.. He spoke towards the crowd and said "oh, just in time" - So i took pics of him setting them up.. I thought it was neat and wanted to share..







Someone should have smacked him in the head right there... hehehe...

Did anyone ever blurt out anything about DR to Toy Guru or was everyone too scared again and distracted by the new figure announcements?