Masters of the Universe Classics

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There's plenty of characters for this line to go for years, but most of them are obscure, or NA, or Filmation... they would need to release some interesting variants of heavy hitters to make it worth...
Yeah that's what I was kinda trying to say. They could also start introducing more new characters as well but they still need those recognizable guys and there's just not that many of them left.
I am hoping that Snake Armor He-man gets made, but if not I still have my 200X figure. It's the only one I'm still holding on to. I would gladly sign up for a variant mini sub, but I don't know how popular that would be:

1) 200X Sorceress
2) NA Skeletor
3) Snake Armor He-man
4) 200X Prince Adam
5) Flying Fists He-man
6) Terror Claws Skeletor

I'd love to add the 200X variants to the collection along with the remaining vintage ones and I would support a separate subscription just for He-man and Skeletor variants. I think any fears of not moving enough units could be alleviated by including more recognizable accessories to the MOTU cannon overall or mini comics - granted that would be a one time deal considering the cost but another alternative could be new two packs featuring the iconic leaders. Is it too far outside their resources to consider new packaging that would emulate the vintage card art? That could be an attractive and fun subset of figures!
Yeah that's what I was kinda trying to say. They could also start introducing more new characters as well but they still need those recognizable guys and there's just not that many of them left.

I'm with you 200%! I've been saying for a long time that the line should transform into:
1/3 obscure characters
1/3 2.0 versions of core characters
1/3 NEW characters.

Put new versions of Beast-Man, Teela, and Fisto in 2016 and the sub will happen!
I'm with you 200%! I've been saying for a long time that the line should transform into:
1/3 obscure characters
1/3 2.0 versions of core characters
1/3 NEW characters.

Put new versions of Beast-Man, Teela, and Fisto in 2016 and the sub will happen!

I would NEVER sub to rebuy older figures

how can you improve already on Beast Man,Teela and Fisto?? they are perfect

Scott even said AGAIN today....they are NOT going into production of any older figures
I am hoping that Snake Armor He-man gets made, but if not I still have my 200X figure. It's the only one I'm still holding on to. I would gladly sign up for a variant mini sub, but I don't know how popular that would be:

1) 200X Sorceress
2) NA Skeletor
3) Snake Armor He-man
4) 200X Prince Adam
5) Flying Fists He-man
6) Terror Claws Skeletor

If there is an after 2015 I would think at hat point they really would have to start looking at releasing the original figures again. After that they won't have much in the way of characters to make right?

Well assuming we get that asame 45% bump we had last year, that would put us only 6% behind from last year, which isn't a huge drop off. Depending on how much the price increase is, I can see 2015 just barely getting by to complete the vintage collections. 2016 and beyond however I think will be more quarterly and con exclusive releases, no full year sub, UNLESS the re-work the line and start releasing A list 2.0's or something.

I think a 200x "mini-sub" or 2.0 Versions of earlier characters might be a way to keep the line moving past 2015.

Zodach, while i like yourt list, I think we would see something more akin to this.

Ice Armor He-man. MAke his as 200x as possible. give him King greyskulls Harness for example.

a 200x Skeletor/ Terror claws hybrid.

Give him Demo-man's feet, in blue, give him the terror claws armor, and a swappable standard skeletor harness. possibly eve n give him bracers and he-ro's boots in purple. as well as the terror claws.

From there, we move into the more 200x "variants"

Fans want a new Teela?

DO a Teela using the 200x Style and colors
( longer red hair, blue accents on costume, possibly new boots)

Bill her as a "teen Teela" perhaps. Opens the door for a "teen adam" (200x themed as well)

This could also see some reuse ala snake man at arms, as Snake teela.

a 200x Version of Randor would likely go well. He's different enough that longeterm people might want him, and 200x specific fans have been asking for a while. Bill him as "Captian Randor" or "Prince Randor" and you're golden

Best part about 200x Randor? Except the head, NO new parts. All existing parts re-use is possible

Nepthu's upper arms BTW.

OR, if you don't like nepthu's arms, then the only new part is his upper arms and head.

Though, for a more accurate 200x feel, I'd use marzo's loincloth.

A 200x King Hiss is another one with minimal new parts.


The sorceress. Nuff said



Bill her as Teela as the sorceress if need-be. Alternatively, she made an appearence in one of the mini comics as one of King Greyskull's and He-ro's companions.
Speaking of teela, look, re-use for "Teen Teela's" boots.

That's just a handful of ideas that might work well enough to get people interested in them, and keep carying the line.
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I'll keep subbing as long as the line runs....I like getting characters thzt were never made before like icer, batros, etc... and having those alongside all the vintage classics
I personally would really like to see another 4HM original figure. Dragoman was so great.
I agree that the line could continue past 2016 as I too want the more obscure characters but we will need big incentives to keep it going.

Like others, I think they could include 2.0 versions of the most popular characters featuring new weapons or articulation points or both.

They could begin including 200X versions of the heavy hitters.

They could stun us all by announcing the anchor figures being from the 1987 movie or at the very least Classics figures sporting the 1987 costumes and worked into the bios.

Characters in their new DC Comics costumes or characters inspired by the DC crossover event.

It seems to me there is too much potential left to call it quits on the line. I continue to use my 10 year old cousins as examples of what kids think of this line. Boy and girl, growing up back east with no exposure to anything He-man except for what I have sent them. When they first saw pictures of the figures they were so intrigued. When they got their first package from me of a dozen classics they went nuts fighting over who got what. I sent them some of the cartoons for reference but their imaginations had already established a play pattern so they don't watch them much but they keep eating up the figures. Their last package was the biggest hit yet - of all the figures in the box they both wanted Galactic Protector He-man the most! My point? If a couple of kids have this reaction to the figures that have no major entertainment release bombarding mom and dad, than why can't classics be given some push by Mattel into Walmart on a limited test basis? Every summer we play the "line is in crisis" game. I'd rather play the "look what I just found at my local Wally!" game and watch the reactions of kids seeing these figures for the first time.
I would NEVER sub to rebuy older figures

how can you improve already on Beast Man,Teela and Fisto?? they are perfect

Scott even said AGAIN today....they are NOT going into production of any older figures

Not even for a Skeletor figure designed after the great 200X statue? Awesome flowing cape, snarling bone face, castle base and wicked weapons? I'd rebuy a Skeletor figure for that kind of 2.0!
I would NEVER sub to rebuy older figures

how can you improve already on Beast Man,Teela and Fisto?? they are perfect

Scott even said AGAIN today....they are NOT going into production of any older figures

You wouldn't, but others would.

for some of us ( myself included) 200x WAS our He-man.
That's true as well. I don't now how common it is, but I do know a few people for whom 200x was both their first exposure to MOTU and their first foray into toy collecting.
I would NEVER sub to rebuy older figures

how can you improve already on Beast Man,Teela and Fisto?? they are perfect

Scott even said AGAIN today....they are NOT going into production of any older figures

Beast-Man, Teela, and Fisto could not be worse. They cost over $100, how could they be worse than that?

Not everyone has been collecting the line for 5 years and the line will be dead very soon if they only cater to those who have.
Not even for a Skeletor figure designed after the great 200X statue? Awesome flowing cape, snarling bone face, castle base and wicked weapons? I'd rebuy a Skeletor figure for that kind of 2.0!

Teemu's hardcore vintage. and ( If i remember correctly) is not a huge fan of the 200x redesigns in some cases. That's perfectly fine. It's his preference, and he's allowed to have it.

But I think sometimes he forgets his is not the ONLY viewpoint ;)

How do you improve on Teela, the sorceress, and skeletor?

Take them more into the 200x venue, while keeping the 200x "flavor"

Much like they ALREADY did with whiplash, and Fisto ( sorry, no improvement possible there)
That's true as well. I don't now how common it is, but I do know a few people for whom 200x was both their first exposure to MOTU and their first foray into toy collecting.

I watched it as a kid off and on..Even then I knew it was goofy, but I liked it.

200X, for me, showed me the potential of how AWESOME the stories could be. yes, it was filled with 90'S EXTREEEEEEEME, but the show worked really really well.

200x is what REALLY made me like the stuff, and REALLY get into the MOTUC line.
Beast-Man, Teela, and Fisto could not be worse. They cost over $100, how could they be worse than that?

Not everyone has been collecting the line for 5 years and the line will be dead very soon if they only cater to those who have.

Fisto and beast-man i'm not too sure about HOW they'd re-release...

Possible dc comic book 2-packs?
Fisto and beast-man i'm not too sure about HOW they'd re-release...

Possible dc comic book 2-packs?

Alternate expressions perhaps? More accessories? They should go into it planning on surpassing the 1.0 version and see if they're talented enough to do it! In any case, you can't run a line for 6 or 7 years and refuse to make the core characters because you did a version the previous decade.
While I agree completely, i'm not 100% certian I'd call Fisto a "core" character. He's certianly popular with some people, but does that mkae him core?

I don't know.
Teemu's hardcore vintage. and ( If i remember correctly) is not a huge fan of the 200x redesigns in some cases. That's perfectly fine. It's his preference, and he's allowed to have it.

But I think sometimes he forgets his is not the ONLY viewpoint ;)

How do you improve on Teela, the sorceress, and skeletor?

Take them more into the 200x venue, while keeping the 200x "flavor"

Much like they ALREADY did with whiplash, and Fisto ( sorry, no improvement possible there)

I am definitely old school hardcore vintage first....I have my definitive He-Man (and line)...

but with 200x,I am mostly open to NEW characters like Dactys,Carnivus,Prahvus etc...I just can't justify rebuying He-Man and Teela just to get the stylized anime look from 2002..same with Sorceress,Hiss or anyone else for that matter

I really want the Skeleton Warriors,as what is cooler than an Army of Skeletons? (like jason and the argonauts)

Fisto is a two in one deal...I'd say he is NEVER coming back