Masters of the Universe Classics

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Matty is updated to 84% now. Assuming that's the number from Friday, not first thing Monday morning the minute they get into the office, we're golden!
whelp. once the etailors jump in, this thing is a lock. and if 2014 is a lock, i'm confidant in 2015, and 16. not so sure about 17.
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whelp. once the retailors jump in, this thing is a lock. and if 2014 is a lock, i'm confidant in 2015, and 16. not so sure about 17.

I'm not confident about 2015....PRICES ARE GOING UP to $27-30 a figure

who can anchor 2015? certainly not POP
we had a last day 40% increase last year. this year has foloowed very closely with how last year went. I see no reason to not expect the sae thing to happen.

IF TG and matty deliver on their promise of making 2014 as awesome as they say, we might see C and D listers who just look awesome.

That alone ( just awesome looking characters who are original tools) might be enough to motivate people to buy a 2015, even if they are not big MOTUC fans.

2016, IF WE GET THAT FAR, will likely be the " year of 200x" with variants and versions of the characters we have already gotten vintage flavors of.

Meaning a 200x-ish Heman ( possibly done as Ice armor?)
A 200x-sh skeletro ( I have no idea how.... swappable armor for terror-claws skeletor perhaps? IDK)
Caprtain Randor, Prince keldor, 200x sorceress, 200x King HIss, etc.

all of these could be used to grab new fans who loved 200x, and get "new" customers who want those Hard to find ones, like sorceress and randor, by giving them an option.
Me either. I don't see how a sub goes through in 2015 with a price increase.

Percieved Value.

if 2014, with loads of unique tooling goes through, this may be enough.

time will tell.

After all, People are still lining up to give hot toys tons of money for what amounts to "better versions" rehashed, and the latests Iron man.
And while i no longer care about them, others clearly do, or else we wouldn't see them still being pumped out, with plans for more in the future.
Percieved Value.

if 2014, with loads of unique tooling goes through, this may be enough.

time will tell.

After all, People are still lining up to give hot toys tons of money for what amounts to "better versions" rehashed, and the latests Iron man.
And while i no longer care about them, others clearly do, or else we wouldn't see them still being pumped out, with plans for more in the future.

Hot Toys vs Mattel? :lol

the price increase on MOTU will be the final nail in the coffin...(finishing Two-bad,Modulok also added another hammer stroke into the nail)

after 2014 (being the stronger year).Who is going to be left to Anchor another full year of figures?? especially with the rumored figures coming in 2014

Sure,I want Extendar too,but he isn't enough to want to buy a whole Subscription for....which is why I might go BBTS route next year (or cherry pick day of sale).I don't care if POP doesn't get completed and I certainly don't want to pay another couple more bucks for them in '15

I can't keep housing figures for less desirables
Unless they use the over-sized spots for beasts and vehicles like Stridor, Battle Bones, Point Dread and or Talon Fighter... now that would help boost sales for 2015. But I doubt it will be the case...
Unless they use the over-sized spots for beasts and vehicles like Stridor, Battle Bones, Point Dread and or Talon Fighter... now that would help boost sales for 2015. But I doubt it will be the case...

Sadly,vehicles arn't happening unless we make it into not even vehicles would save the line in '15

Though Stridor and Night Stalker have a GREAT chance of making it into 2014...those two $38 price points sure sound like Beasts and both are just repaints of each other(pays for itself)...lots of new tooled figures in '14 too :)
Hot Toys vs Mattel? :lol

the price increase on MOTU will be the final nail in the coffin...(finishing Two-bad,Modulok also added another hammer stroke into the nail)

after 2014 (being the stronger year).Who is going to be left to Anchor another full year of figures?? especially with the rumored figures coming in 2014

Sure,I want Extendar too,but he isn't enough to want to buy a whole Subscription for....which is why I might go BBTS route next year (or cherry pick day of sale).I don't care if POP doesn't get completed and I certainly don't want to pay another couple more bucks for them in '15

I can't keep housing figures for less desirables

I get that you don't. and I'm the same with Hot toys. for me, they're too much now.

For others, once MOTUC break the 30$ threshold, it'll be too much for them.

I'm saying that I think there will still be enough people for the 2015 sub, and possibly even the 2016 sub.

As for hot toys VS Mattel as a point of comparison, why not?

MOTUC started at a price point of 20$ per figure, with an estimated expansion to 30$ -35$ in 2015.

that's a 10-15$ increase over 4 years. which is ROUGLY a 50% price increase.

Hot toys, by comparison started around 89-120$ when they Really found their stride ( Robocop, Aliens, Resident evil, Rocky, etc)

And they currently retail for around 190-300$

which is in the neibhorhood of 100-200% of an increase in price, wnad still climbing.

And yet, people still pay it. People still buy so many of them, that we've gotten 15+ figures from Iron man. None of which I bought, becuase I don't see the percieved value.

Much like you're suggesting will happen in 2015-2016.

Yes, it's a different market.
Yes, it's a different product.
Yes, it might even be a different customer base. ( I'm willing to bet there is more corssover there than many suspect)

However, the situation is similar ( Price increas, product oversaturation, a midly disgrunteld fanbase, and people getting priced out) Enough to warrant the comparison. One could argue you could compare the state of teh 1/6th comunity and market to the 90's comic book industry, or even the American housing market from a few years ago as well.
LOADS of speculators and dealors looking to cash in, and in so doing, driving up the price beyond what normal consumers can afford.

Yet Hot toys contines to sell, and continues to sell well.

And So Does MOTUC. WE've been told that last years subs were overall good, this year mirrors that. Castle Greyskull Sold VERY well.

This line has gone a LONG time. Will it go forever? no, but I'd say it's got AT LEAST through 2016 left.
Does the revised roadmap rule out the remaining He-man and Skeletor variants: Flying Fists, Terror Claws, Laser Power & Laser Light? I was really enjoying seeing variants show up in the line and hoped the last few would make it but now we are on New Adventures versions.

Could the laser variants be considered for SDCC 2014? Mattel tends to spend more money on those slots and the packaging itself could be used to create the light effect of the weapons since Classics don't sport built in action features.
I am hoping that Snake Armor He-man gets made, but if not I still have my 200X figure. It's the only one I'm still holding on to. I would gladly sign up for a variant mini sub, but I don't know how popular that would be:

1) 200X Sorceress
2) NA Skeletor
3) Snake Armor He-man
4) 200X Prince Adam
5) Flying Fists He-man
6) Terror Claws Skeletor
The 200x characters I want that hasn't been made yet are Prahvus,Evil Seed (but more Filmation),and Ice Armor He-Man
Well assuming we get that asame 45% bump we had last year, that would put us only 6% behind from last year, which isn't a huge drop off. Depending on how much the price increase is, I can see 2015 just barely getting by to complete the vintage collections. 2016 and beyond however I think will be more quarterly and con exclusive releases, no full year sub, UNLESS the re-work the line and start releasing A list 2.0's or something.
I'm not confident about 2015....PRICES ARE GOING UP to $27-30 a figure

who can anchor 2015? certainly not POP

Me either. I don't see how a sub goes through in 2015 with a price increase.

I dunno. Maybe if they come to terms that it WON'T be as big as previous subs, yet still make money? Might be worth it - they just need to set their sights a bit lower.
If there is an after 2015 I would think at hat point they really would have to start looking at releasing the original figures again. After that they won't have much in the way of characters to make right?