Does anyone know if Batros will available during the Early Access on the 12th?
No he won't...
BTW, more pics of Dactys and now a few of Geldor have surfaced thanks to TokyoNever

Does anyone know if Batros will available during the Early Access on the 12th?
Not a fan of Dactys, but Geldor looks awesome! Can't wait for him.
9/16 sale page is up....
it shows $50
I'll get the Sled and Batros. Shipping will be expensive, but whatever... I'm more worried about when they will put the 2014 sub back up like they said they would.
I'm glad they're doing it. It can only improve the numbers. But I am also surprised that they're dragging their feet. Don't they need to get their orders into China as soon as possible?
Just give me ninjor to go with my scareglow next year and ill be a happy man. Ill be even happier if they make a mini masters of scareglow like they showed originally with the heman and skeletor.
October is gonna be a heavy hitting month haha I have another question of courseI'm guessing now that the Horde Troopers aren't in the sub.. since there isn't a (Club Eternia) beside them? Hopefully it won't be difficult to get them during Early Access.
And I'm crossing my fingers we see the 2014 club exclusive figure reveal this weekend as well. But I cannot wait to see Evil Seed and Blade!!
Horde Troopers are in the Sub