Masters of the Universe Classics

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I still need a artbook as well :banghead oh well....

and Grayskull's sealed, reg and gold. :monkey2

Wow... TNI asking some tough questions to Matty :lol :

TNI: Why has Mattel for all intents and purposes quit providing the online media with information about their products? It seems now days, to find anything out we have to monitor either your facebook page, or your online forums or your news section on Mattycollector. Even with these Q&A's, you never seem willing to reveal actual new information. When we ask you something like when something will come out, or what is in such a wave, we get answers like “wait and see.” Why are you making it so difficult to get information for your products? Why does someone have to go 5 different places or wait for some magazine to come out to find out about upcoming products? Why doesn't Mattel PR send this information out to the media instead of making the media have to try and track down the answers themselves?

Mattel: Our goal is to drive online news reveals exclusively to and our Matty Facebook and Twitterpages. Online fan sites are more than welcome to pick-up images and information first posted on our official site, but you will continue to see function as the official source of new information and reveals! So, as you stated, you don’t need to go to multiple sites for your news, only one –!

TNI: Some people seem to feel that Mattel is short selling products on their website to give the appearance that figures are more popular than they actually are. It's no secret if someone thinks a figure will sell out fast, it will give them more incentive to try and buy it, for fear it won't be available later. There also seems to be a steady pattern with MOTUC, that the first time a figure goes on sale, it sells out in minutes, and the second time it goes on sale, it last close to 24hrs. Will you go on record and tell these people who have these concerns, that when you list a figure as sold out, it truly is sold out, and you have to actually go back and make more? That you are not just quickly listing something as sold out to try and artificially inflate demand for these figures?

Mattel: While we reserve the right to end or start sales as needed, we can assure fans the product that seem to sell out in a matter of minutes do indeed sell that quickly. The reason product tends to stay available longer the second time around is likely because many fans already have an item and there is less overall demand for the re-release. And we are constantly re-adjusting quotas to hit the right balance with demand!
Mattel: While we reserve the right to end or start sales as needed, we can assure fans the product that seem to sell out in a matter of minutes do indeed sell that quickly. The reason product tends to stay available longer the second time around is likely because many fans already have an item and there is less overall demand for the re-release. And we are constantly re-adjusting quotas to hit the right balance with demand!

They need say no more. They just gave themselves away there. To refute that all they had to say was something like, "Those claims are absurd. We do not fabricate any such hype and creating fake sellouts to generate hype."

Anything like that could have helped, but I think they basically stated they do start and stop sales when they please creating these "fast sell outs"

Funny that Hordak sat out online for a couple days as if no one wanted him. Makes no sense being one of the most popular baddies, yet other reissues sold out in mere minutes too in the past.
Mattel will never tell the Truth...businesses are not about being honest,its about how they can get your money...the Classics line is not really being made for us fans as Toyguru claims,because if we (and scal-por's) were not buying,the line would not exist.
I don't think there is any conspiracy here, I think things will be slightly better after June. I could be wrong but I say let's give them a chance.
I don't think there is any conspiracy here, I think things will be slightly better after June. I could be wrong but I say let's give them a chance.

slightly as in....we get one extra minute, to get our order in before the sell-out??? :)
it may be better for the sub figures but i doubt they will increase the edition sizes of bonus figures or giant beasts cuz they are still not sure how popular they will be.:rolleyes:
I just got a Tytus out of the white shipper and MAN, I AM BLOWN AWAY... This guy is just massive, I'm really impressed by him, I can't believe that this guy was missing from my childhood during the 80's of the He-Man era. I really do think just by his size that he's worth more than retail from Matty but that's just me. Definitely my $$$'s worth spent here on one of the few action figure lines I love best.

Dang I did not expect this shockness.... :bow
slightly as in....we get one extra minute, to get our order in before the sell-out??? :)

Well, sometimes that's all you need. :impatient:

it may be better for the sub figures but i doubt they will increase the edition sizes of bonus figures or giant beasts cuz they are still not sure how popular they will be.:rolleyes:

Yeah, right. :lol

I just got a Tytus out of the white shipper and MAN, I AM BLOWN AWAY... This guy is just massive, I'm really impressed by him, I can't believe that this guy was missing from my childhood during the 80's of the He-Man era. I really do think just by his size that he's worth more than retail from Matty but that's just me. Definitely my $$$'s worth spent here on one of the few action figure lines I love best.

Dang I did not expect this shockness.... :bow

Go to hell. Lucky. :(
Kuz I'm not reading all this org crap.....

It's not from the .org... it's from Toy-sites,
every 2 weeks or each month, Mattel agrees to answer some fan questions... :dunno

So I read it Kuz, I couldn't hold back.... :banghead


I just got a Tytus out of the white shipper and MAN, I AM BLOWN AWAY... This guy is just massive, I'm really impressed by him, I can't believe that this guy was missing from my childhood during the 80's of the He-Man era. I really do think just by his size that he's worth more than retail from Matty but that's just me. Definitely my $$$'s worth spent here on one of the few action figure lines I love best.

Dang I did not expect this shockness.... :bow
