Masters of the Universe Classics

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boom, ching.

That's what Digital River uses as a firewall to try to prevent hackerz in India from breaching customers' data. :rolleyes2
Maybe Digital River should hire him. At least someone would know how their system works.

:yess::yess::yess: ah I need a good laugh or two after the mess of matty

I guess the lesson I've learned from this is to pick the figure I want the most and just try to get through with that one because if you have multiple types in your cart you can not only get screwed by the screen of death you can also get screwed by one selling out and of course by the time you go through the order process again the other one sells out. I guess for the two pack and grayskull I'll just say screw it to the other figures.
I'm sure you will be able to get your money back and then some re-selling them.

At this point, Matty really has succeeded in its retarded quest to get everyone to join the subscription. If I cared much for this line, I would have zero choice but to join. But, I'm just a casual fan who wants a couple of figures. So instead, I have just been turned off to the whole damn line. I'll pay eBay prices for Man-E-Faces (because I must have him) and be done with it.
Mattel just make these 12 in next years Subscription so I can quit and be done with it

Man E Faces
Ram Man

Two Bad
Cobra Kahn
Okay sorry no traditional "vintage love" in these pics (I will with Faker, I promise).

So I got my She-Ra and I have to say... they may have upped the production numbers, but they sure lowered their quality control. THANK GOD I open all my toys. You gotta see this packaging:

Nice lining up of the bubble!

Was this packed by someone who didn't have their V8?

Thankfully the figure appears to be in great condition. Haven't opened it yet. However the face looks different than I remember it being pictured. This must be the special transvestite head:

Okay boys, my Keldors are shipping tonight :hi5: Gonna estimate now that I will have them next Wednesday. I'll update when I know for sure, but he is on his way.
Okay boys, my Keldors are shipping tonight :hi5: Gonna estimate now that I will have them next Wednesday. I'll update when I know for sure, but he is on his way.

Keldors are shipping. Mine will be here on the 22. I am off on Wednesday so that is when I will likely have the extras going out. Just an FYI that he is on his way.