Mattel Movie Masters Thread

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The BR Joker figure looks ok, but it's a shame they went so expressive on the mask, it almost comes off as an emotionally expressive face and not even a mask.

Heh, those big lips and chin is amusing. All thats missing is, cheeka boo dancing.

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I imagine if Hot Toys made a Scarecrow the mask would be sculpted like the Chainsaw Killer from the Resident Evil line. But I think both the suit and straightjacket looks would look just fine. I just can't see Hot Toys making a cloth mask as good as Seb's in production.
I imagine if Hot Toys made a Scarecrow the mask would be sculpted like the Chainsaw Killer from the Resident Evil line. But I think both the suit and straightjacket looks would look just fine. I just can't see Hot Toys making a cloth mask as good as Seb's in production.

I prefer the suit myself. but for the mask, sculpt would have to be the best, that way they might include additional 'hallucination' sculpts. i like the maggot look but if they could pull off the bat emerging from the mouth that would be insane.
I prefer the suit myself. but for the mask, sculpt would have to be the best, that way they might include additional 'hallucination' sculpts. i like the maggot look but if they could pull off the bat emerging from the mouth that would be insane.

That would be really cool to have a bat coming out of his mouth......or just an over all scarier looking mask
I prefer the suit myself. but for the mask, sculpt would have to be the best, that way they might include additional 'hallucination' sculpts. i like the maggot look but if they could pull off the bat emerging from the mouth that would be insane.

If they made him, I'd expect him to come with both the suit and straight jacket. I mean he did wear a suit before they locked him up so both really ought to be included.

And a hallucination would be awesome as well. I still can't figure out why Hot Toys hasn't made one yet. I mean, I think any of us would take a Scarecrow without a Murphy sculpt. So they shouldn't be held back by license rights.
And a hallucination would be awesome as well. I still can't figure out why Hot Toys hasn't made one yet. I mean, I think any of us would take a Scarecrow without a Murphy sculpt. So they shouldn't be held back by license rights.

Overall sales. I would have thought Two-Face would have done well for them but by all appearances, he wasn't the type of sucess they like to have, and likely Scarecrow would do more poorly than him. HT takes occassional gambles but for the most part they make moves that are very likely to give them great sales numbers. I'm sure they're also only thinking of Dark Knight right now, in which Scarecrow was merely a cameo, far less a factor than Two-Face. They're not thinking about people being fans of the Nolan franchise and may not have the license to do anything from Begins anymore, so a TDK Scarecrow would just be a suit and a mask really. I wish, like X-Men, HT would go back and acquire rights to expand on Begins, but I don't think it's going to happen.
Yeah, Begins figures would be great. That way they could finish off the villians with Scarecrow, Ra's, and maybe fake Ra's. Not to mention ninja training Bruce as well. It still makes me mad about the Oldman rights. We really need a Gordon too.
Gordon from any Nolan film is first and foremost on my "not made and should be list", then I'd like Ra's from the final battle and him and Bruce in training gear as well from Begins.

Unfortunately with Batman, I see HT only moving forward, not going back to older films they didn't do much with.
That is probably true. But they did go back and get a lot of older Marvel flims, so I suppose it isn't out of the question. But yeah, it is probably unlikey at this point.
Well that's why I say with Batman, they announced the Marvel just about on the heels of the Wolverine announcement, which sounds to me like while they had Marvel people in to talk about the license they worked towards getting more, pretty sure Wolverine is their first Marvel product. They had TDK for over a year, I would guess if they were going to pursue rights to Begins again, it would have been done by now. I wonder how licenses work, they had the Begins one, is their a time limit, is there an agreed upon number of products, I'd love insight into how all that works. I fear it'll be the same with Pirates of the Caribbean, they'll get rights to the 4th one but no longer have and not pursue rights to the first 3.
They had Iron Man about a year before Wolverine.

But yeah, more info on licenses (from any company really) would be interesting. I think they are given the license for a time frame, but I'm not sure if that it also says they can only make x amount of products in that time frame. I know Hasbro has the Star wars license for like another 10 years at least. It was some crazy 20 year deal thing I think. But that obviously isn't a typical case.
Well Star Wars is it's own thing, it has a history of selling well for 20 years and is likely to do so for another 20 when they made the deal.

You're right, i forgot Iron Man is Marvel.

We'll see, I'm not holding hope for HT to go back to Begins but if they ever do I will buy it up for sure.

I really wish the release for Two-Face in the MM line wasn't so far away, he's really the only new one I want and he's the last to come out, if he even does by that point.
Yeah, I don't get the huge wait for Two-face. Heck, I'm not even sure why suited Scarecrow and Sonar Batman are so far back either. They were the first of these newer figures revealed and they are next to last. Mattel has never been one to make any sense though. At least Harvey will be out by Christmas :D
Hey, I'm looking for info, pics and discussions about Mattel's 12" Superman Christopher Reeve figure. It's also part of their Movie Masters line, I figured I could find more info here. Thanks!

So far, this is the only article I could find online:
Ummm.... so what's up with this? We waited so long for these to become available, and last month they finally did with Bank Robber Joker. But this month.... nothing. I thought they were all scheduled for release on the 15th of every month thru April, with Proto-Type Suit Batman. Anyone know whats up??
hopefully these aren't selling as well as they hoped and they'll lower the price to something reasonable.
More likey they will just cancel the figures all together. We can only hope they are all made already. Otherwise Two-face will probably never get made.

Yup, unless production's already over with on the others, it'll be cancellation if they're viewed as poor sellers. Really though, I know they're pricing them to balance that their numbers are lesser than if stores were selling them again, but at $20 without shipping, you're going to be hard pressed to sell many through MC, especially when it's such a small figure with better, larger figures available that could be bought with that money, plus, I'm sure a number of folks who may have bought these in TRU's and Walmarts, don't even browse the web or even know that more are being made and can be bought on MC.

I hope to get Two-Face, but I'm not very hopeful of this line under current conditions.
Like many of the actors in Nolan's Batman movies Ledger's previous recognition re: awards and nominations had more to do with whether or not he was right for the role. I personally felt that his dull and lethargic take on the character completely missed the mark and I truly believe that there would have been a "Phantom Menace"-style divisive backlash if he'd lived to see the movie.

The "I made my mind up 6 months ago!" camp would have shown blind love for the performance but I think there would have been a significant chunk of the audience that would have seen it as a terrible miscast.

Ultimately I think Ledger was a talented actor who had a career of wildly-varying quality, and for everything like "Brokeback Mountain" that showed actual talent and skill and real promise in regards to eventual greatness there was something like "A Knight's Tale" to show that he just wasn't the kind of presence that could redeem a crappy movie.

Like most actors he was fallible and at the mercy of the project itself and I don't think his phoned-in performance is even close to redeeming "The Dark Knight" nor do I think "The Dark Knight" is good enough to soldier on with casting choices that were ultimately poor as far as I'm concerned.

I know what kind of responses I'm gonna get from this post. You can't criticize this movie or his performance online without drawing out the crazies, I just don't care. I'm entitled to my opinions.

Also, I take objection to people putting their own words and thoughts in the mouths and minds of the deceased so I'm not going to sit here and tell you what I think he would think of all this unwarranted TDK hype but I will say that there are quotes from Gary Oldman and Ledger's best friend/agent that suggest that Ledger didn't take the role too seriously or give it much weight. Per his agent he was hoping to get fired because he'd get to pocket his paycheck and have several months off (seriously, you can find the quotes in a Vanity Fair article) and I think that shows in the movie.

But hey, what do I know? The internet myths that Ledger lost himself in the role were going around before his body was even cold and that kind of hype has more to do with this particular performance's status than the performance itself does.

Flame away, crazies.

well I not a crazy (altho I'm sure there are some who would disagree lol), but like you your self have pointed out......"I'm entitled to my opinions." So, here's my opinion. I think you prefer your Joker much more campy and over the top with less realizum and cartoony antics. Now I'm not gonna tell you that your wrong, just that your concept of the Joker is but one of many. So I wouldn't be so quick to lay what your calling a "bad performance" at Heath's door step.

Now I will admit I my sel would have like to have seen a bit more in terms of just how "F'ed in the head" he was. Like more diabolical laughter (but just a bit more, not too much), and a couple more of those "look at me......LOOK.....AT....ME!!!" But not the same line, just my fractured mind type stuff.

And of course I would have love more blood and mutilation but Nolan and the whole damn movie was shackled by the PG 13 rating. I think Heath did an amazing job (and yes I am aware of his rumored appathy and wanting to get fired), but it back fired on him. Its my belief that Nolan saw this early on and realized just how perfect the "so called poor attitude" made the Joker take on a life of his own.

Poetic justice some might call it. So many actors struggle their whole lives to nail that once in a life time role. Heath Ledger stumbled in to it like a drunk mad man, and in the doing made him self immortal for many generations to come.

Well done Mr. Ledger :cool: