Mattel Movie Masters Thread

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Everyone's different. I'm sure you're not alone in your feelings and opinion.

Me? I love that figure, I love this line. Sure it's not Hot Toys (own those fantastic Batman figures too), but for what they are, they're special. I like em, know everything there is to know about them, what can I say?
Yeah, I love heath's representation alot. But I pretty much love any joker that is written well and a murdering bastard. A writter can mess up even such a good character. I do like azzarelo's joker alot, as a one take. I hated the way he wrote two face though...but you know..the story wasn't called twoface.

As for the movie masters line..I might pass on these. The joker is such a classic character and the dark knight will probably be marketed for a long time. I'm sure there are better heath's coming out at some point down the road in 6" scale.
The Dark Knight Joker would eat Azzarelo's ugly, raping, pedo Joker for breakfast.
Got my MM BRJ Thursday:






I think they did a pretty good job with this one actually. I mean, it still is just the Thug with a different mask and paint, but the details are nice. The weathering on the mask is improved over the original Thug and they did a decent job on the shirt pattern. Still no weapon/accessories - I gave him a gun that I had painted - but I'm glad I have him.
I liked TDK, but I don't get what the big deal was. Brian Azzarello's Joker was cooler.

Like many of the actors in Nolan's Batman movies Ledger's previous recognition re: awards and nominations had more to do with whether or not he was right for the role. I personally felt that his dull and lethargic take on the character completely missed the mark and I truly believe that there would have been a "Phantom Menace"-style divisive backlash if he'd lived to see the movie.

The "I made my mind up 6 months ago!" camp would have shown blind love for the performance but I think there would have been a significant chunk of the audience that would have seen it as a terrible miscast.

Ultimately I think Ledger was a talented actor who had a career of wildly-varying quality, and for everything like "Brokeback Mountain" that showed actual talent and skill and real promise in regards to eventual greatness there was something like "A Knight's Tale" to show that he just wasn't the kind of presence that could redeem a crappy movie.

Like most actors he was fallible and at the mercy of the project itself and I don't think his phoned-in performance is even close to redeeming "The Dark Knight" nor do I think "The Dark Knight" is good enough to soldier on with casting choices that were ultimately poor as far as I'm concerned.

I know what kind of responses I'm gonna get from this post. You can't criticize this movie or his performance online without drawing out the crazies, I just don't care. I'm entitled to my opinions.

Also, I take objection to people putting their own words and thoughts in the mouths and minds of the deceased so I'm not going to sit here and tell you what I think he would think of all this unwarranted TDK hype but I will say that there are quotes from Gary Oldman and Ledger's best friend/agent that suggest that Ledger didn't take the role too seriously or give it much weight. Per his agent he was hoping to get fired because he'd get to pocket his paycheck and have several months off (seriously, you can find the quotes in a Vanity Fair article) and I think that shows in the movie.

But hey, what do I know? The internet myths that Ledger lost himself in the role were going around before his body was even cold and that kind of hype has more to do with this particular performance's status than the performance itself does.

Flame away, crazies.
and I truly believe that there would have been a "Phantom Menace"-style divisive backlash if he'd lived to see the movie.

That's the single dumbest thing I've ever read on this site. I won't resort to name calling but that's almost so absurd it's beyond words. I won't even insult
No flaming here. Instead, here's my opinion:

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that vanity fair ^^^^ was dug up to just raise that sort of stir. And Im pretty sure several other people, I think his family, said that if that was said it was in a joking manner. I also read out of Nolan's mouth that Heath was very much behind the project and even came back after he was done with his job to watch some editing, and he even road with some camera cars to film those parts. All of this is neither here nor there though. You can believe what you want about the man, I think he had a pretty good sense of humor and took his craft/job pretty seriously. I personally think he said that in a joking way. When asked what it was like to work with his daughter's godfathers sister, he said something along the lines of it was nice to abuse her and put a knife up to her. So as far as that goes. Whatever.

As far as unwarranted hype for the dark knight...I'm sure there's alot of people that just got dragged into the fanbase from hype. But that doesn't make the movie bad or undeserving of having praise or fans. I try to separate myself from that sort of thing as much as possible. Im a fan of batman, and im also a huge fan of all sorts of movies. It's hard to see why someone would dislike this movie if they fit in either of those categories to me.

As for his performance, It might not be what people wanted or expected as a portrayal of his joker, but its definitely his own. Some of his best moments in the movie are from him going off the script and adlibbing a short line or doing a small action to add to the character. Honestly, I think he's really great to watch..but at the same time I also feel that Aaron Eckhart carries the entire movie. That's one of the worst things about all this hype and whatever, It's that it almost always overshadows how great of a job eckhart did. Now I'm sure people might disagree with that. But ^^^^ man, Two face is what does it to me everytime.

As a fan of the characters, and all sorts of different takes on them...Seeing two face and joker in that hospital scene was like probably the greatest feeling I've felt. Like seeing my kids go to college or having one of them become president or something people would be proud of.

My urge is to not listen to anything besides yerself. If ignored all hype, or even listened to the general consensus of reviewers I would miss out on a lot of things I really like. And that's all that matters...what you like.

really off topic.

That bank robber joker looks like the best thing they've produced so far. Here's to the future of this line hopefully.
Like many of the actors in Nolan's Batman movies Ledger's previous recognition re: awards and nominations had more to do with whether or not he was right for the role. I personally felt that his dull and lethargic take on the character completely missed the mark and I truly believe that there would have been a "Phantom Menace"-style divisive backlash if he'd lived to see the movie.

The "I made my mind up 6 months ago!" camp would have shown blind love for the performance but I think there would have been a significant chunk of the audience that would have seen it as a terrible miscast.

Ultimately I think Ledger was a talented actor who had a career of wildly-varying quality, and for everything like "Brokeback Mountain" that showed actual talent and skill and real promise in regards to eventual greatness there was something like "A Knight's Tale" to show that he just wasn't the kind of presence that could redeem a crappy movie.

Like most actors he was fallible and at the mercy of the project itself and I don't think his phoned-in performance is even close to redeeming "The Dark Knight" nor do I think "The Dark Knight" is good enough to soldier on with casting choices that were ultimately poor as far as I'm concerned.

I know what kind of responses I'm gonna get from this post. You can't criticize this movie or his performance online without drawing out the crazies, I just don't care. I'm entitled to my opinions.

Also, I take objection to people putting their own words and thoughts in the mouths and minds of the deceased so I'm not going to sit here and tell you what I think he would think of all this unwarranted TDK hype but I will say that there are quotes from Gary Oldman and Ledger's best friend/agent that suggest that Ledger didn't take the role too seriously or give it much weight. Per his agent he was hoping to get fired because he'd get to pocket his paycheck and have several months off (seriously, you can find the quotes in a Vanity Fair article) and I think that shows in the movie.

But hey, what do I know? The internet myths that Ledger lost himself in the role were going around before his body was even cold and that kind of hype has more to do with this particular performance's status than the performance itself does.

Flame away, crazies.

I liked your movie.
The BR Joker figure looks ok, but it's a shame they went so expressive on the mask, it almost comes off as an emotionally expressive face and not even a mask.
That's the single dumbest thing I've ever read on this site. I won't resort to name calling but that's almost so absurd it's beyond words. I won't even insult

He seems to sniff around for a chance to give his opinion on TDK. :lol
Like many of the actors in Nolan's Batman movies Ledger's previous recognition re: awards and nominations had more to do with whether or not he was right for the role. I personally felt that his dull and lethargic take on the character completely missed the mark and I truly believe that there would have been a "Phantom Menace"-style divisive backlash if he'd lived to see the movie.

The "I made my mind up 6 months ago!" camp would have shown blind love for the performance but I think there would have been a significant chunk of the audience that would have seen it as a terrible miscast.

Like most actors he was fallible and at the mercy of the project itself and I don't think his phoned-in performance is even close to redeeming "The Dark Knight" nor do I think "The Dark Knight" is good enough to soldier on with casting choices that were ultimately poor as far as I'm concerned.

I know what kind of responses I'm gonna get from this post. You can't criticize this movie or his performance online without drawing out the crazies, I just don't care. I'm entitled to my opinions.

Also, I take objection to people putting their own words and thoughts in the mouths and minds of the deceased so I'm not going to sit here and tell you what I think he would think of all this unwarranted TDK hype but I will say that there are quotes from Gary Oldman and Ledger's best friend/agent that suggest that Ledger didn't take the role too seriously or give it much weight. Per his agent he was hoping to get fired because he'd get to pocket his paycheck and have several months off (seriously, you can find the quotes in a Vanity Fair article) and I think that shows in the movie.

But hey, what do I know? The internet myths that Ledger lost himself in the role were going around before his body was even cold and that kind of hype has more to do with this particular performance's status than the performance itself does.

Flame away, crazies.

I suggest you never talk about Heath this way ever again.
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He didn't take the role seriously? What about the diary he kept of the Joker and how the Joker would think? What about how he stayed alone in a hotel room perfecting the character and calling Nolan every time he came up with a new development? Most of all what about him saying playing the Joker was "the most fun he's ever had"
Whether he phoned it in or was pumped for the role I loved his performance. There are songs I love from artists I love only to later find out the artist hates the song and is only on the record 'cause the producer or whomever loved it. Doesn't make me hate the song. I don't care if he phoned it in.
It was a good performance, but it wasn't the epic achievement the obsessed think it was. First and foremost, his psychosis was not par for the character. Ledger's Joker was too sane. He was more like an extreme ^^^^^^^ using insanity as his excuse for being such a sociopathic bastard. I wonder sometimes if that has anything to do with the character's appeal to so many...^^^^^^^s.

All in all, the movie was vastly inferior to Batman Begins. Not that I didn't think it was great. But the quality was in the writing more than anything else. I suppose the actors deserve credit for having done their job and brought the characters to life.

But, I thought that was what they were paid for. :dunno
I suggest you never talk about Heath this way ever again.


What will happen to him? Will Ledger come back from the grave and haunt him or was that a personal threat against him if he ever talks about your home boy Heeeaaaattthhh? Because I mean, lets face it, we all knew Ledger personally and knew exactly what he was thinking since we saw his performance.
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You know, even with Two-face and a few other "new" figures coming out, I still think Scarecrow was my favorite in this line. He is just creepy looking. The Arkham straight jacket really is a creepy piece of clothing. They made the only perfect Scarecrow figure yet, but I wouldn't mind Hot Toys taking that title from them.
That Scarecrow is one of the best four horsemen sculpts in the line. Closes to the prototype too, other than the Gotham City Thug.
Scarecrow has the benefit of sculpture, his cotume can really sing with sculpting, it's a tough look to pull of with 1/6 fabric.