Mattel Movie Masters Thread

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Yup, unless production's already over with on the others, it'll be cancellation if they're viewed as poor sellers.

I hope to get Two-Face, but I'm not very hopeful of this line under current conditions.

It's a shame they didn't lead the online MM release w/Two-Face...him being the figure collectors seemed most interested in. At least then the numbers might justify a few more.
so has there been any offical word from Mattel. I've posting how tick I am about the survival suit batman being pulled from yesterdays sale line up over on Face Book. But no one is saying anything. is MM over??
It's a shame they didn't lead the online MM release w/Two-Face...him being the figure collectors seemed most interested in. At least then the numbers might justify a few more.

Well, I think the strategy is, and it's fairly smart, to save him for last to keep people following along until the end.
Well, I think the strategy is, and it's fairly smart, to save him for last to keep people following along until the end.

True - but it would've been cool if they had followed the schedule, but also offered the alternative of buying all the figures in one set right from the get-go. So you can wait for Two-Face to be released on his own in six months if that's all you want (all the while being tempted by the other figures, just as they want), or you can get Two-Face right away, without reducing their sales of the other figures.

That way they still sell the other, less-desired figures, while getting them all out there.
So get a load of this crap Mattel is spewing:

November 16, 2009
by Matty

You may have noticed a couple of products weren't on sale today — the Survival Suit Bruce Wayne and the Disney/Pixar Cars Mater in 1:24 scale. Mater is expected to move to our December 15th sale, and we'll let you know about the Survival Suit.

I want answers not some lame "please stand by"!
Yeah, that certainly isn't good news. They clearly aren't happy with how well the MM are doing. But they can't blame a lack of interest. They just want too much for them. We bought them at half the price they are costing now and when compaired to their other figures that cost $20 on Matty, these are a rip off. MotC gets accessories at least. And Ghostbusters get a pack-in accessory/ghost. MM gets an oversized mask, and if we are lucky, a coin.
Yup, it's a crazy line from Mattel's point of view.

You can't mass sell it because there's not enough people to drive stores to buy it for sale, you can't sell it at store prices online in smaller quantities and not eat your money, and people aren't willing to spend online prices for what they get.

Ultimately, it sucks for us, but if $20 on MC is the only way to put these out, then I see this line crashing and burning before it's wrapped up to the extent we've been hinted, which means no Two-Face.

I'd like to see them break into Burton's films, if done right, those could sell at $20 because there's no licensed product based on them out there, TDK is a figure saturated market, you really have to push things to sell for high prices.
Yeah, completely new figures will sell. Espeically Burton figures. These figures really are more or less repaints and new headsculpts. Two-face feature the the most new parts - a head, jacket, tie (although Harvey will use the tie first). I guess Jail Joker also uses a new head and some toro/arm pieces as well. But it is ANOTHER Joker though. If they just threw in some decent accesories (guns, batarang, etc) these would be easier to swallow.

I'll continue to buy what they crank out, but I'm afraid that isn't much more. But the Sonar Bats and Arkham Scarecrow have been sold on ebay from HK. And the Fwoosh reviewed a Jail Cell Joker. That would mean they would at LEAST have those figures made. And Scarecrow and Sonar Bats are just before Two-face. So it wouldn't be that much of a stretch to say they are all made. Either that, or all EXCEPT Two-face :(
Until Matty actually puts them up for order, I wouldn't count on anything, those eBay guys could be faced with issuing refunds, which is why I never preorder with eBay, did it once, the guy never received his shipments and it was a pain to get him to refund me.
Until Matty actually puts them up for order, I wouldn't count on anything, those eBay guys could be faced with issuing refunds, which is why I never preorder with eBay, did it once, the guy never received his shipments and it was a pain to get him to refund me.

Exactly why I don't. I've never done it, but it's kind of common sense to not pre order off of the bay, if you consider what could happen.

Murphy's Law! :lecture
Surprisingly good for what they are.

Won't be buying though, just wanted to see what they looked like.
Until Matty actually puts them up for order, I wouldn't count on anything, those eBay guys could be faced with issuing refunds, which is why I never preorder with eBay, did it once, the guy never received his shipments and it was a pain to get him to refund me.

There is a guy on Fwoosh who bought and has the Arkham Scarecrow in hand. He said the guy also has the Sonar Bats. So at least those 2 guys are made and a Fwoosh Mod reviewed Jail Joker. So at least those 3 figures have been made. And with Bats and Sacrecrow being next to last, it would seem logical all the ones before them are made to. Why else put these pre-made figures at the end just to have yet-to-be made figures be sold ahead of them?

But then again, this is Mattel we are talking about. There doesn't have to be any logic involved :lol
This was totally unexpected!

November 18, 2009
by Matty
Hey Dark Knight Fans,

I've got a hot update on Movie Masters™ The Dark Knight products…

You already know that initially the plan was to offer one new figure per month at Thanks to you, loyal Dark Knight fans, sales have been so good that we're feeling confident enough to increase production and also bring the line to Toys "R" Us in the spring.

The good news is that you'll be able to walk into your local Toys "R" Us and find The Dark Knight figures. The even better news? You'll still be able to get them at and because of the increased production numbers, we'll be reducing the price to just $15 each!

Here's how it'll go down: The Joker as Gotham City Thug figure started out here on, and will continue to be a exclusive as long as we've got stock. The remaining six figures in the line will be available here first, one each month for the new price of $15 each. Then this spring they'll all be available at Toys "R" Us except for The Joker as Gotham City Thug. At press time, here's how the line is slated for sale here at (subject to change, as always):

ON SALE NOW: The Joker as Gotham City Thug — a exclusive!
December 15: Survival Suit Bruce Wayne
January 15: Harvey Dent
February 15: The Joker with Missile Launcher
March 15: Scarecrow
April 15: Batman (Night Vision)
May 17: Two-Face
You know I always try to tell you like it is. While this strategy won't work for every line, when the second-highest grossing film of all time* is behind a toy line, it gives us a unique opportunity to bump up production numbers and offer it at retail as well so even more fans can get the characters they want.

I'll let you know as soon as we have expected on-shelf dates. We really appreciate everyone's support for this great line!


Great news though I don't buy the "they are doing so well" line. I think they just pressured TRU into buying a majority of these guys. Hopefully I'll be able to pick up a few later for one of TRU's Buy 1 get 2 Free sales. I'd like to get a couple of Harveys for customs.
This was totally unexpected!

Great news though I don't buy the "they are doing so well" line. I think they just pressured TRU into buying a majority of these guys. Hopefully I'll be able to pick up a few later for one of TRU's Buy 1 get 2 Free sales. I'd like to get a couple of Harveys for customs.

You beat me to it. yup I agree that mattel is full of pooh thinking then can trick us in to thinking these are flying off the shelves. But frankly I'm just happy as hell that the line will be completed.
Great news though I don't buy the "they are doing so well" line. I think they just pressured TRU into buying a majority of these guys.

Agreed, I think this actually ties into the notion of them already having these in production, they're realizing they'll never sell them off at $20 plus shipping through their site so they pressure TRU to help them out so they can sell off the inventory instead of eating all the costs. Good PR though, most will just take it as Matty and TRU being heroes.
I'm sure they'll hop off the shelves when its coming around being almost two years since the movie came out. At least this means I will actually go out and buy interrogation joker and two face now.
Looks like they got a new Two-face pic as well:


Hopefully his suit stays grey. BR Joker's is nearly black. Its a very, very, very dark grey. :(