Mattel Movie Masters Thread

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Is Harvey a chase figure? I'm really mad that I didn't have money when I saw him, because when I went back he was gone :mad:

No, not a chase, but since he is the first and really only fully suited figure in the line (normal hands, tie, etc) he is great for customs. So many are picking up multiples for him.

Also I may have to pick up one of those Peck figures, are they available in stores, or matty exclusives?

Peck is only available on Matty, starting next month.

I'll try to get a few pics of Two-face up tonight.
Just some quickies:






^ Yours looks blacker than mine. Mine's a bit pink. I plan on charring him up with some grays/blacks. But for now they're all in storage :/
Finally got Two-Face, Harvey, and Survival Suit Bruce, I'm done with my MM collection. :banana
Alas, they're going into storage for awhile.
buttmunch, can you take some closeup pics of the two-face head?

it looks good for the scale, but not as good as the promo pic on pg 1, i just wanna see a more detailed closeup shot.
That's because this is a 12" Prototype for the scaled down 7" figure to be made from, quality will be lost.

I suppose less is more, easier to add black to that than the flesh tone for repaint or touch up. but definitely needs it. Wonder if they made it more PG looking because it'd be in stores.
I don't know. The more pink makes the wounds look more severe to me. Almost as if all of the charred pieces have fallen off and the raw muscle and tissue below is exposed now. Its probably just the limitation of the Mattel painters really. I mean they could have made his face pretty much all black on that side with just a few bits of pink like in the film. But that probably would have looked bad. But like you said, its easier to add more dark than pink on this. Hopefully you'll get a better feel for it tomorrow :)
I did alittle dry brush black on mine and I'm really happy with it.

I wasn't sure about the aaron eckhart likeness until I saw it in person. I'm impressed with this figure.
Dammit. Went to TRU yesterday and all they had left was Batman. Missed this boat. Wonder if they will get more or a one shot deal?
buttermunch THAT LOOKS WICKED!!!!!!!! Its good to know Mattel is closing out the MMs with such a great fig.
Thanks to buttmunch, I now have Harvey Two-Face. I only have Batman Begins, TDK Batman, Joker and Two-Face, so I don't have much to judge, but to me, Two-Face is their best figure, articulation's nice, sculpt and paint are nice, the only real strike I hold against it is same for the whole MM line and that's lack of accessories, and his coin inclusion is the best of the "evidence" stuff, that and Joker's card from Begins. Also, points to Mattel for getting the burns more accurrate than Hot Toys, I really would like Matty to put out a 12" of this one.

First, here's the figure as it comes.






Now, for the average collector, the figure will do as is, however, I'm really into the TDK Two-Face design, so I decide to touch mine up, added to the paint of the face and neck, added burning to the shirt and repainted the tie, tie could probably use another pass, but I need more paints, I touched it up with what colors I have, but it comes with blue stripes which is way wrong so this is a good temporary improvement. I may take a shot at the eye, but it's so small and it's such a minor figure, not sure I'll bother. Now that I see what ammount of the neck shows, I painted the head off the body, I'll probably add some more red spots after since The ones I left are hidden.

Also, for these photos, the coin is one of the HT Two-Face coins and the gun comes from the NECA Sam Loomis Halloween figure.






Yours is much more charred than mine right out of the box too! Mine's seriously all pink. Reminds me of Two-Face in BF. But WOW! That figure just becomes perfect with a repaint on the face alone. I plan on doing the shirt and neck as well.

What size is Lumis? Bigger than 6"? The revolver's a bit out of scale but it works. As does the coin. Creative I'll do the same I think :)