Mattel Movie Masters Thread

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Fantastic repaint Sean! He seems more charred in your photos out of the box then he looked in the box :lol Funny how lighting can make such a difference.

But wow! That repaint is great. Like you said, the neck could use a little more red, but other than that, its fantastically spot on! Just shows how nice the sculpt really is, but how poor the factory paint is.

The Loomis gun looks a bit too big, but the coin is about the size I would have expected from Mattel if they had included one. Its so tiny as it is, I could imagine one any smaller not getting lost constantly. I really want to find a good gun for him too. Luckily the Matrix Morpheus figure from McFarlane has an extended clip so I was able to find a good gun for the Bank Robber Joker. But I'm stumped on Two-face right now.
Yeah, Loomis is about a 7" figure so it's a bit out of scale, but it's a revolver and close enough, same with the coin, though I'd have been fine with Mattel doing a hand with the coin sculpted in. I wish the hands were swapped though so his right was the pistol and left the coin. One thing I don't get with this and the Hot Toys figure, where did these sculptors get the idea that Two-Face has these pits in his face, the final movie CGI is pretty much a solid suface just with some cracks and bits of flesh here and there, but both companies give him these deep craters in spots for some reason. Not the end of the world, but it is a curious thing.

This revolver is a bit small, but smaller might look better than bigger in this case. I have this figure (along with all the others they made) in the package and don't wanna take it out. I held up Two-Face's hand to the revolver. It looked decent for my liking, but the Indy isn't available for a decent price.
Thanks, and I'd say they're going out on a high note with him. It's too bad these were probably done more out of getting the ball rolling and not wanting to totally back out than being a big success, I'd love Mattel to pursue the other Batman films but I have a feeling TDK is going to be it. I really think with accessories and maybe a bit more solid paintwork, this line could have really taken off, but between no weapons and the overall quality and price, I can see it not getting the kind of following it would really need to sustain.
Yeah, this line had potential and Mattel just ignored it. Throw in real accessories and make a figure not using that Thug suit body, and you got something there. I mean Ra's would sell well (either on I'd think, and in either costume for Ducard). Plus the Burton Batmans seem to be licenseable now with the DCD busts and statues coming out. Those would be a gold mine for the lin! Batman, Joker, Penguin, Catwoman, Bob, etc. Heck, I'd even get some of the Schumacher villians!
At Matty prices, I'd get some Schumacher figures too, but Burton would be great, more from Begins. They could do ninja Bruce and Ducard just to recycle parts. The MM line was the best hope of having a nice, thorough character representation from the Nolan films. Though even the MM line is missing Gordon, and as poor as their likenesses are, I don't get why they couldn't have, just didn't.
Between Matty and TRU Mattel knows how much these can sell. If they wanted to I'd be surprised if they couldn't find a way to make future figures work.

It would also make sense to keep the line alive with monthly or bi-monthly figures between now and the release of the next Batman movie. Just think of what they could do in 27 months.

I think BB/TDK has a few figures left in it. Ra's and Ducard, Gordon, Alfred, Lucius and a suited Bruce Wayne would all work and the Thug and Dent bodies (which are basically one body anyway) could go a long way for most of those characters. Nurse Joker would actually require a lot of tooling but I think the demand for that figure would warrant it.

And yeah, the other DC movies give them a lot to work with.

My dream for the Movie Masters line (which isn't technically DC-only, "Ghostbusters" and "Avatar" are part of it) is to have people complaining that Mr. Freeze, Steel and Catwoman are getting figures, not that there are no figures of deserving characters.
Very nice repaint bro, I might have to attempt that myself.

Also, I was wondering if anyone had a Harvey Dent figure and a Survival Suit Bruce Wayne that they could sell me? I can pay with personal check. PM me if you have either available for a reasonable price.
Very nice repaint bro, I might have to attempt that myself.

Also, I was wondering if anyone had a Harvey Dent figure and a Survival Suit Bruce Wayne that they could sell me? I can pay with personal check. PM me if you have either available for a reasonable price.

my TRU had about a case or two on the pegs earlier today. Ill check next time Im there, but that wont be until thursday.
I haven't hear of TRU really getting more of these in after the first case or two. Its quite possible they're all shipped and done at this point. Hard to tell though. But if these were at limited as they were claimed to be, then I wouldn't doubt it. It would be total justice for those waiting for them to go on clearance to pick them up instead of just paying retail for them. Now they could potentially go for way over retail :lol

The only one I've yet to find though is the Sonar Bats. I know he is the peg warmer of the bunch though so I'm not too worried on him yet.
Does anyone have any pictures of the jail cell joker?

from a few pages back...


Hey guys, I just wanted to show you all that the big rubber ski mask that came with Survival Suit Bruce Wayne makes for a nice 1/6 scale mask imo. It looks better than most fabric ones to my eyes.


The only thing that could make it better is something to hold it tight around the neck at the back..


Not only does my Takara look good with it on, but it looks great next to the movie masters version!


And lastly, here is my incomplete movie masters collection.


I still need Fear Toxin Batman, BB Batman, Sonar Batman, 2 more survival suit bruce waynes, A Harvey Dent, Bozo, and the GC thug.

EDIT: I will post updated pics of my takara with ski mask after I am done sanding down the hair.
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That looks pretty good. When I first received my Survival Suit Bruce Wayne from Mattycollector I experimented with my HT OC Bruce Wayne head. It's kind of a tight fit and you do see a good bit of his head in the back but it's much better than the silly mask the takara comes with.