Mattel Movie Masters Thread

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soooooo either mine is a mistake or its packaged damaged side down.

the world will never know.
soooooo either mine is a mistake or its packaged damaged side down.

the world will never know.

It's packaged damaged side down. I opened one of mine and it was the same way. So don't worry, it's not the clean coin, just packed wrong.
I picked up a Sonar Bats and another Survival Suit bruce Wayne while I was on vacation last weekend in Palm Desert. Luckily there didn't seem to be many collectors there as there was a good number of DCUC and new movie masters figure hanging around. I completely overlooked scarecrow because he is a pathetic figure imo, and I prefer my own custom. I think Sonar Bats is a mixed bag. The eyes being painted white is extremely weak. There is no accessories except for that giant batarang, and his scratches (which I don't remember him having in the movie) are peach colored. They didn't even paint the gray on the suit, which is pretty lame, but I like the damage paint wash they gave it. It's a unique look for the suit.

I also recieved my Harvey Dent last week from, and I was pleasantly suprised when I opened him and found that Mattel actually included an unscarred coin with him, rather than just putting the scarred coin clean side up in the package like I heard.

pics soon.
Got an interrogation Joker for $4.98 today at a TRU (I think someone screwed up ... it was supposed to be $12.99). Still in the market for a Two-Face. Other than that ... meh. Harvey Dent would be OK, I guess. I can pass on Sonar Batman and Scarecrow.

Got an interrogation Joker for $4.98 today at a TRU (I think someone screwed up ... it was supposed to be $12.99). Still in the market for a Two-Face. Other than that ... meh. Harvey Dent would be OK, I guess. I can pass on Sonar Batman and Scarecrow.


That happened to me as well, except I got three for that price :p And it was when they were first out, and there was 1 of each that I wanted, I was so Happy!

Anyways, here is the first step in my customization of my MM Two Face.
I got him a gun, it's not perfect, but I really like it.



Yanking this thread out of the abyss as I just last night learned that Mattel did (or may have?) released a Movie Masters Gordon.... is this available somewhere? Does anyone own it? Kinda confused here.

I think it is coming out as a two-pack with protosuit Batman/ Wayne ...


I don't think it has been released yet, though.

It's been released, they've hit all over the place. They're not cheap either.

It looks like crap, Gordon looks really light and cartoony. If you've had one garbage Movie Master, you've basically had them all.
I haven't seen the set anywhere and I go to TRU at least twice a week to two different ones (one by my house and one by my job). I thought they were waiting to release the set with the Arkham City Batman and Two-face set they also have coming out
That MM Gordon figure seriously looks as though he's wearing one of those goofy nose/glasses/moustache disguises.
The rest of it looks really nice though.
I haven't seen the set anywhere and I go to TRU at least twice a week to two different ones (one by my house and one by my job). I thought they were waiting to release the set with the Arkham City Batman and Two-face set they also have coming out

I think the Arkham Batman/Two Face are out, too. Somebody had some pictures of them on the Video Game board.

Only Movie Masters figure I have is Batman Begins Scarecrow straitjacket version.