Mattel Movie Masters Thread

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^ It's actualy a really good likeness of Heath Ledger - plus the fact it comes with a weapon makes it a very nice MM figure.
Just a shame it had to come out so long after the original MM's.
here's a larger pic of Honor Guard Joker from MWCToy

Anyone know when Gordon will be available or what etailers have him available now?

Looks like someone's been getting some ideas from Hot Toys...

You know, the way they handled this line was just awful. Releasing them in waves like this, separated by YEARS, is just the poorest kind of business decision they could've made.

If they had released them all together (or announced them all together and released them in waves spaced out by no more than a few months), then I definitely would've been interested. I collect 1/6, but would've grabbed these for nostalgic value.

But they only released a few, which made me go "meh." They were missing a whole lot of big characters (like Gordon and Scarecrow), which would've made the line much more attractive. By the time they got around to doing it (which made it seem like a change of heart on their part), it didn't seem like it was worth the hassle to track them down.

The Cop Joker is cool - would've been a nice capstone and bonus for a whole set of well-released figures - something special to throw the fans a year or two after the general release, as a "Thank you," when everyone thought the line had been done and finished.

But given how the rest of the line was treated, it feels like "Oh, hey, a Cop Joker is a figure we didn't do! We forgot about that idea! Let's milk this line a little bit more if we can, see if there's any juice left, in case it hasn't petered out yet!" Just like for the previous "wave" of figures released (which itself was like two years after the original wave).
Do you guys know whatever happened to the deluxe movie masters 12 inch Green Lantern? AFter the NY con video, I haven't heard any news about it.
Looks like someone's been getting some ideas from Hot Toys...

You know, the way they handled this line was just awful. Releasing them in waves like this, separated by YEARS, is just the poorest kind of business decision they could've made.

If they had released them all together (or announced them all together and released them in waves spaced out by no more than a few months), then I definitely would've been interested. I collect 1/6, but would've grabbed these for nostalgic value.

But they only released a few, which made me go "meh." They were missing a whole lot of big characters (like Gordon and Scarecrow), which would've made the line much more attractive. By the time they got around to doing it (which made it seem like a change of heart on their part), it didn't seem like it was worth the hassle to track them down.

The Cop Joker is cool - would've been a nice capstone and bonus for a whole set of well-released figures - something special to throw the fans a year or two after the general release, as a "Thank you," when everyone thought the line had been done and finished.

But given how the rest of the line was treated, it feels like "Oh, hey, a Cop Joker is a figure we didn't do! We forgot about that idea! Let's milk this line a little bit more if we can, see if there's any juice left, in case it hasn't petered out yet!" Just like for the previous "wave" of figures released (which itself was like two years after the original wave).

Couldn't agree more. It's a shame too 'cos this looks like a really nice sculpt. Mind you, having said that, the end product will likely have shockingly bad paint apps that ruin the sculpt anyway.

When this line first came out I was all over it - they were great representations of their film counterparts with nice sculpts and I was excited by the prospect of new waves and characters. Even making the Batpod was an unexpected and exciting bonus.
But then it all went sour with the endless delays to that Two-Face wave, which after being delayed a whole year then suddenly vanished into obscurity, only to resurface later down the line and almost 2 years after the movie had been released.
Before the massively delayed release of the Two-Face wave my frustration of the handling of these figures caused me to give up on them and I eventualy sold the lot I had.

I don't normaly buy Mattel stuff (I prefer DCD since they're sculpts and paint apps are infinitely better and make Mattel's figures look very generic and toy-ish) but with these I broke the mould.
Mattel really showed me that I made the right decision investing in one of their lines :cuckoo::lol
Is the Gordon/First Night 2 pack going to be available in Brick & Mortar stores?

yes, it's actually already been hitting shelves at target for 29.99. the DPCI is 087-06-2324.

i'm not sure if walmart is going to get any--right now they just have the single pack batman legacy figures (joker, batman, and freeze)

i just got my set yesterday. i was going to try and get them at target but then saw that they were $5 cheaper on amazon (tax-free too!!) so i just bought them on there.

EDIT: i looked back on amazon and it's back to 29.99. it was 24.50 just yesterday! gotta love how frequently their prices change
Movie Masters "Man of Steel" Figure

This was "leaked" today:


Quite a good looking figure!
The upcoming 1/6 Hot Toys Superman figure will be a must have for me, I think I'll also get this one.
Re: Movie Masters "Man of Steel" Figure

I like it. The Movie Masters line is pretty decent and I happily own a few of them. Hopefully they don't shortpack Zod and make him impossible to find like Ra's or Catwoman. The Rises series was one big headache that had me questioning why I bother with this hobby at all.
Re: Movie Masters "Man of Steel" Figure

I like it. The Movie Masters line is pretty decent and I happily own a few of them. Hopefully they don't shortpack Zod and make him impossible to find like Ra's or Catwoman. The Rises series was one big headache that had me questioning why I bother with this hobby at all.

Jor-El and Zod also look good, it'd be a pain not to be able to find them.


Re: Movie Masters "Man of Steel" Figure

I like it. The Movie Masters line is pretty decent and I happily own a few of them. Hopefully they don't shortpack Zod and make him impossible to find like Ra's or Catwoman. The Rises series was one big headache that had me questioning why I bother with this hobby at all.

Not to drag the thread off topic, and I don't know if they're still selling them, but Best Buy near me had a ton of Ra's and Catwoman figures when TDKR came out.
Re: Movie Masters "Man of Steel" Figure

Yeah I don't see why everyone says Catwoman and Ra's are hard to find, I saw atleast 10 of each at Toysrus.
Re: Movie Masters "Man of Steel" Figure

Not to drag the thread off topic, and I don't know if they're still selling them, but Best Buy near me had a ton of Ra's and Catwoman figures when TDKR came out.

Thanks for the tip, but trust me, I checked there multiple times over the last several months. Never a single MM in stock and all the employees acted like I was making it up when I inquired about them.

Yeah I don't see why everyone says Catwoman and Ra's are hard to find, I saw atleast 10 of each at Toysrus.

Maybe where you are located. But I know for a fact that several parts of the country, Southern California for one, was starved of certain releases. I devoted months to routinely checking all the big stores, and making friends with the employees in all the toy departments. While more and more Batmen warmed the pegs, Catwoman and Ra's never, ever made it to shelves here. I finally ended up getting a Catwoman from a visit to San Diego, and still have yet to find a Ra's. I know personally of other collectors, both near me and out of state, who had the exact same problem. As for Alfred and Blake, I only ever saw each of them once, and that was when I bought them myself. I'm hoping for a better experience with the Superman figures.