Mattel Movie Masters Thread

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Face looks the same scale, looks like the hair's what makes the head look small.

I can't pinpoint what the cause is. It's just wrong looking and throws the figure off. Even more so on the purple coat version because he's bulkier than the Jail Cell Joker.

Maybe I'll rework this head and see if I can't make it better. The hair needs to be fixed to make the head bigger. And a repaint is definitely in order.
They had them all the other day, now they have none. They were a little pricey for me. I'm guessing these won't be peg warmers like the old ones are now. I really wanna try repainting a two face and a joker.
I think this are being produced in way smaller numbers than the first batch of figures. These were originally just going to be on Matty (so think MotUC numbers). But I don't think Bank Robber Joker lived up to their expectations so they made the deal with TRU. They claim they did 'so well' that they did the TRU deal, but if MotUC are doing 'so well' why aren't they releasing those at TRU (besides the DCUCvsMotUC 2 packs)?

So I when I'm unsure on how many of something there is going to be, I snag it when I can. If you don't like paying $13 now, you really wouldn't like paying $50 for it later. Sometimes the gamble pays off, other times it doesn't and you see these on clearence. Remember when the first MM Joker was going for over $100 on ebay? You can find one now for $4.98. Ouch.

I did find me Two-face today so all I need is Sonar Bats, who will probably be fairly easy to find once these start hitting more.
While these figures are pretty cool, I'd say compared to the MOTUC and Ghostbusters 7" figures, these are probably their weakest Matty site offering and yet still go for quite high prices on there, it's awfully expensive for essentially just a figure, no accessories really, and in some cases, some pretty so-so paint jobs compared to the other 2 lines I mentioned. What sucks is this line had a lot of potential. I almost wonder, if Hot Toys hadn't existed or done their line, would the MM line have gotten a stronger effort. Granted the consumer base is a bit different, but still, MM probably would have been the premier TDK products really, I'd take 12" MM Joker and Batman over Medicom's efforts for those prices and even DCD.
Yeah in some aspects Mattel really dropped the ball on this line. The lack of accessories being the biggest problem. The 'evidence' bags really only worked with Joker and Two-face. The rest have been huge failures. Had the masks been full, wearable 1:6 masks they would have been brilliant. But that strange 1:5 scale flat masks thing they ended up being a big failure.

MotUC and Ghostbusters have had a lot of reused parts, but yeah, they are a much better deal than the MM line ever was. At least half of the MM figures have used that Gotham City Thug body and yet Mattel never seemed to be able to cost in a gun or batarang with some of these figures. Some of the MotUC and Ghostbusters have come with a lot of stuff for only $7 more. Granted $7 is quite a bit more at this scale (about a 30% price increase or so), but surely the numbers they made these at for retail should have been able to keep them no more than $15 with some accessories and the evidence?

But yeah, besides the HT figures, these are the best things out there. Which in a way is kind of sad. But this line did at least beat HT at character and variant selections.
I ran out and managed to find a two face. I was looking at some freddy krueger stuff and someone had hidden a twoface and it literally fell into my hands. I'm pretty surprised by it. It looks pretty cool. I'm gonna throw some paint on him and see if i can improve it.
man you guys are lucky SOBs hahaha! i don't have any kind of luck with regards to MM in Manila, in Singapore, or the U.K.!

good thing i'm going home to Cali on October, time to backtrack! i want me that survival suit Bruce Wayne and jail cell Joker. indeed, face is fugly but the costume is great.
I'm really gonna be sad to see the last of this line sell out this May. The MM ride has been a wild & unpredictable one. It is my belief that once the last of the MMs sell out either online or at TRU, their value will bounce back.
Just an interesting note on the side for anyone who wants to make his own Bruce Wayne. Ghostbusters Walther Peck is not a recast of Harvey so you could use him and have a nice Bruce. ;)

:lol I didn't even think of tht to be honest.

But I actually already got my second Survival Suit Bruce so I'm just waiting for Peck to come out. And I might even be able to get some of my cost back with the Containment Unit.
Wow! Awesome idea! My Bruce was built using a Gotham City Thug. Tie sculpted by me. I have the jacket shut but a vest would look nice. A bit too much money though, no? $20 plus how much for shipping? I'm content with mine.
Is Harvey a chase figure? I'm really mad that I didn't have money when I saw him, because when I went back he was gone :mad:
Also I may have to pick up one of those Peck figures, are they available in stores, or matty exclusives?
Is Harvey a chase figure? I'm really mad that I didn't have money when I saw him, because when I went back he was gone :mad:

No, I'm pretty sure that each case has one of each figure. So they're all equally rare in that regard. But the demand for each figure also dictates how scarce they are. Clearly people here want him for a Bruce.

And I think that Ghostbuster guy is a Matty Exclusive.
I have a couple of these figures (the first Joker release, OC Batman, TDK Batman), but the quality of this line just seems so subpar, especially compared to the DC Universe Classics line, so I stopped picking them up. Harvey actually looks ok though, I might have to pick him up.