This was the only figure that caught my eye so far
Ricky the Dragon Steamboat
This was the only figure that caught my eye so far
Ricky the Dragon Steamboat
I didn't know anyone bought these figures! I always see them just sitting out on the pegs. Unless the stores are doing that good a job at restocking them.
That is pretty sick! I'm looking forward to these, especially this and the M$M Entrance Great (which will be my 1st EG fig).
Mine too, though I have to say the actual entrance gear will be removed as soon as I open it because it looks hideous.
That Ricky Steamboat is awesome, any news on the release date? Can't believe that Bret Hart isn't on the horizon, since he's my avatar pic you know I'm pissed!
I didn't know anyone bought these figures! I always see them just sitting out on the pegs. Unless the stores are doing that good a job at restocking them.
My area sells out of them pretty quickly with the exception of a few pegwarmers. We have loads of Jakks WWE figs on the shelves over here at all of the TRU's in the area though. Can't wait until they clearance them out and make room for the Mattel stuff.
I'm currently on the hunt for an Elite 2 Orton. Cool figure. Can't wait for basic series 3 orton as well, because he has the red design on his trunks and doesn't have the cut torso joint!
Forget about the toy line up. I can't believe Bret Hart is finally going to whip Vince's ass at WrestleManiaWho'd ever thought they'd ever see this happening? I haven't felt so much anticipation for a WrestleMania since the Rock & Hogan match at WrestleMania X8, it's that insane!!
Also picked up Dibiase today. He looks alright, but kinda meh. Only want him cause Cody is the next Elite series, and I had wanted Legacy together.
That Hogan/Rock match is all time favorite match! I haven't been interested in wrestling at all since the WWF became WWE,but Bret coming back has got me psyched up again.
Unfortunately I have to sit through Miz (i can't stand watching him and these other generic wrestlers ripping off the Rock relentlessly) and Hornswoggleto watch the 10 minute Bret/Vince segments, but they're doing such a good job with the storyline that it's almost worth it
I've never ordered a ppv, but I might order this one as long as we don't have to see him in tag match with Cena
I picked up the Series 1 2 pack instead of Legacy. I didn't want to spend an extra $5 each on shirts. Plus, I picked it up during a buy 2, get 1 free sale at K-Mart when the product first hit the shelves within the first few weeks. I winded up getting Santino/Beth and Morrison/Miz on the same day. Came out to $36 plus tax for all 3 sets. Couldn't complain about spending $12 per 2 pack....
i thought about getting that 2 pack, but the headsculpt on the elite looked better. Plus I can't really stand the leg articualtion on the basic figures.
I thought the Elite headsculpts were the same on Ted & Cody as the Basics (like the Triple H & Orton). One figure that I do regret buying is my Batista Series 1. Wish I would've waited on the Elite 2 fig instead. That Elite headscan is so much better and I liked the overall look (except for the throw-in ref shirt).
I'm disappointed with McMahon right now. He's dropping the Survivor Series PPV for good effective immediately.![]()