No. Their function is illegal. The second amendment grants us the right to bear arms but it does not give us the unrestricted right to own any type of weapon we desire, which is why the NRA usually doesn't advocate for private ownership of nuclear weapons, stealth bombers, live grenades, mines or fully automatic high caliber machine guns.
You are of course entitled to live in fear and arm yourself in your own home. I will assume you have done the research and are comfortable with the fact that statistically homes with guns are more dangerous than homes without guns.
I would actually support assault weapons being used in controlled conditions at licensed gun clubs provided the devices are not allowed to be removed from the premises for any reason. But obviously this isn't about sport shooting. It isn't even about home defense, or you'd be fine with one of the hundreds of guns most gun control advocates don't dispute.
So really it's about assault weapons themselves, and back we go to assault being illegal and you really having no moral imperative to own a device exclusively designed to kill another human being.
So you've seen where I am willing to compromise on this issue. I wonder what compromises you are willing to make?
I am going to credit you with the intelligence to actually read one of the many easily available voting record and bill sponsorship lists.