I never understand people who talk about the sanctity of marriage and then force it on kids when they get pregnant.![]()
You are treading down a dangerous road.... I should know.

I never understand people who talk about the sanctity of marriage and then force it on kids when they get pregnant.![]()
I never understand people who talk about the sanctity of marriage and then force it on kids when they get pregnant.![]()
I do know that when there's a kid involved at least trying marriage out first is a better option than never trying it at all.
I wouldn't say that with certainty.
Does the point lose validity because its not 100% full proof?
You can't say its better to never get married with certainty either, can you?
So now what?
Hey what's the scandal with Palin's baby- I am not informed about this apparently. They say it's not hers?
Earlier in this thread I learned that if I kill someone who is attacking my family I am a murderer. A soldier who kills another soldier in combat is also a murderer. But a woman who doesn't want the inconveniance of having a child, can have that child aborted up till 24 weeks I think it is. At this time the baby has a heart, lungs, brain pretty much a miniature human being. This woman is considered a prochoice advocate and is smiled upon by the left. Gotcha.
And I never did. That is why I wouldn't say it with certainty, just like I wouldn't say them not getting married is the best idea either. I just have always found it funny that the same people who go on and on about how marriage is a sacred thing and should not be rushed into are many times the same ones who tell people they have to get married if they get pregnant.
And I never did. That is why I wouldn't say it with certainty, just like I wouldn't say them not getting married is the best idea either. I just have always found it funny that the same people who go on and on about how marriage is a sacred thing and should not be rushed into are many times the same ones who tell people they have to get married if they get pregnant.
perhaps we should take a cue form Obama and not concern ourselves with Palin's personal life... this is exactly what the media does, gets everyone off track and before one knows, we are discussing everything but the issues.
I would say it is reckless to ignore your body and just take the flight instead of going to a hospital. And that's if you have decided upon keeping the baby.
If she had decided to abort the fetus before the proper time in the pregnancy, I wouldn't have called her reckless. It would be a choice, would it be the right one? Nobody can say but God or whatever divine being you believe in... But the point is, that she has that choice.
But if you are a Mother who is going to see the pregnancy through to the delivery, it's really best to heed what your body is telling you. Get to a hospital.
Let us reason together here Josh shall we?
If as you say only God knows for sure, or as Obama said "Its above his pay grade." Why in heavens name wouldnt you advocate or err on the side of life or bringing to full term?
Thats logic in its simplest form.
But I'll tell you why, because people want to sooth their conscious.
"Im not a bad person, Im for free will, Im for choice what could be bad about that? Anything else is being judgmental."
I'm willing to bet these hypothetical people of yours are also more likely to be telling their kids about the sanctity of child conception too. Does that make it ironic that they got pregnant? Sure, does that make the situation anything beyond that? No.
Do all kids listen all the time? Hell no. Does that make it less important to stress it? Hell no.
The people who don't stress the sanctity of marriage aren't exactly not getting pregnant either. Inner cities are full of plenty of 2nd and 3rd generation single parents that love plopping out kids to get the welfare check. Go speak to them before criticising someone for making a mistake and doing what they think is right.
How about I just criticize those people too?
You wanna know what really annoyed me?
This morning on one of those lame morning shows (ABC I think) they spent 15 minutes (FIFTEEN MINUTES) talking avout Palin's hair and fashion choices as if she had just walked down the gosh darn red carpet at the Oscar's.
Seriously considering moving North.![]()