medicom darth maul pics up

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Medi can also do bobbleheads!

I think one of the issues of the medi body (what? medi bodies have issues? other than breakage you mean?) is that the shoulders are a bit narrow and the neck tends to be a bit long (as well as rather unsightly), so the dreaded bobblehead effect takes place...
Other than that, the figure looks amazing. I love the expression, the clothing, etc.
Looking forward to this one.
OK sorry I really didn't want to start a war or anything,sometimes I type stuff without really thinking about it especially when I'm tired (as I am now).
Josh it may suprise you but I do actually own the SSC Maul ( I got it because I needed some of the attire for my custom ) and think it's one of their best SW figures,I really mean that,the sculpt is a pretty good likeness that is only ruined by a horrible paintjob and aside from the boots the attire is among SSC's best. As for your question about the custom Maul head yes it is the one that's a modified recast of the GG statue. I put it alongside the SSC Maul and then compared both with the Medicom sculpt and a pic of Maul from TPM and the custom head looked closest,then the Medicom one etc. I think the SSC sculpt would be a lot more comparable to either with a decent repaint. Whichever Maul we each prefer I think we can agree that it's a good time to be a fan of the character :maul:maul:maul:maul:maul
I think the SSC sculpt would be a lot more comparable to either with a decent repaint. Whichever Maul we each prefer I think we can agree that it's a good time to be a fan of the character :maul:maul:maul:maul:maul

Funny you mention repaint :)


And is there ever a bad time to be a MaulFan :) except when he dies of course. We got SSC figure end of '06, just got the PF mid '07, and starting off '08 with Medi Maul, great times if you ask me.
Sometimes people don't like the truth. Come February or more likely March/April as Medicom figs usually get delayed I'll have 2 1/6 scale Darth Maul figs that have superior sculpts to Stoner Maul,1 from Medicom and 1 custom with a DarthCallous headsculpt that's even better than the RAH.

If you don't mind my asking, where did you get the custom DarthCallous Maul and are they still available? I've seen that figure over on the Star Wars Customs board and have always wondered if there was any way I could get one. :cool:
It looks good so far MaulFan. I think the major issue with the SSC Maul is how the eyes are painted. Eyes are all important on any character but on a character like Maul with very distinctive eyes even more so and the production paintjob just ruined the image of Maul as the embodiment of Sith rage & intensity,if he'd have looked like that in TPM,Qui Gon & Obi-Wan would have asked if they could have some of what he was smoking instead of fighting him :D
Despite my dislike for the majority of the prequel trilogy Maul is one of the few things I do like. I remember the first pic I saw of him on the cover of the UK Star Wars magazine,everything about his appearance and the added awesomeness of a double bladed lightsaber really got me excited for the new films and I was pissed when he was killed off in the first one.
DarthCallous recently did a small run of Maul heads (I think about 8 or so) for several members at Medi-World and I was lucky enough to be one of those members. I don't think he's doing any more for the time being as he mentioned that the mold was starting to break down but you could try sending him a PM as he posts here (as Callous) and at Medi-World (as DarthCallous).
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I remember the first pic I saw of him on the cover of the UK Star Wars magazine,everything about his appearance and the added awesomeness of a double bladed lightsaber really got me excited for the new films and I was pissed when he was killed off in the first one.

That's about how it was for me, I was amped enough for a new Star Wars film, but the few seconds of Maul I first saw in the teaser trailer one me over, I instantly took to the character, the first and now only double-bladed saber ever in the films, a beautiful design to his face tattoos, the horns, the eyes, the wardrobe, it was all good, then to see him in full duel action applying his martial arts in real kicks and flips that didn't require strings and cgi, I was hooked at that point, and now I'm MaulFan :)
Here's my question - how does medicom do the paint so that maul looks like he has real skin? I mean, you can see the damn skin texture - its insane.

How limited is very limited? I mean it's a normal release(not mailaway or convention exclusive)

Anyways, excellent news that SS is importing them.:cool:
I'm sure it's 1000 like all the others....maybe!!
aug 17th then i'll be there.

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Guess that stupid theory that SS and medicom have some "arrangement" is out the window.

thx for bringing this over SS
yeah i never bought into that whole theory. just sounds ridiculous to begin with.
I'll be getting this from Hobbylink Japan as it usually works out cheaper & quicker to ship to the UK than if I order from SSC. I'm not 100% on how the robe looks but in all probability I won't be displaying him with it anyway so it's not really that important. Like the comic Spiderman and ETD Bruce Lee before it Darth Maul will push the RAH body to it's limits and some spectacular photo galleries will no doubt result.
yeah i never bought into that whole theory. just sounds ridiculous to begin with.

Why would there not be one, thats what businesses do especially when they distribute each others products. Sorry Nash if you dont think there isn't some sort of agreement your crazy. But then agian if the 12" Maul had not been sold out that might change things. Since SS does not stand to lose money on there product there is nothing to stop them from bringing this in ,but why in the hell would SS bring a competitors product if they had the same product available.
Why would there not be one, thats what businesses do especially when they distribute each others products. Sorry Nash if you dont think there isn't some sort of agreement your crazy. But then agian if the 12" Maul had not been sold out that might change things. Since SS does not stand to lose money on there product there is nothing to stop them from bringing this in ,but why in the hell would SS bring a competitors product if they had the same product available.

The only agreement I see is that Medicom has "agreed" to allow sideshow to distribute their figures. Everything else is just speculation my friend.

I know you are cheering for sideshow but I think this whole mentality of another company intruding on their territory is silly talk. It's about bringing in the $$$$$$$$$$$. But you do have a point, I don't see Sideshow and Medicom releasing the same figure at the same time. Is this an agreement?? Probably not, each company has it's own direction and product plan.